Daily Mirror


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Aries March 21–April 20 Try to ignore that little voice in your head saying your efforts are doomed to fail. Whether you are embarking on a new project or applying for your dream job, it’s immaterial. Other people are proving they have faith in your abilities and you should believe in yourself too. For more call 0905 789 4171 (80p/min + network access charge)

Taurus April 21 – May 21 You may have to further your education as a means to get ahead. If you feel you’re being forced to accept any job available for all the wrong reasons, you should think again about your plans. Going on a training scheme will lead to an exciting career opportunit­y in your desired field. For more call 0905 789 4172 (80p/min + network access charge)

Gemini May 22 –June 21 Devote more time to people and activities you enjoy the most. Being open and honest with your family and close friends keeps up a positive flow of energy. Strong bonds are being formed and if this means spending less time at work, so be it. People feel valued when you are with them.

For more call 0905 789 4173 (80p/min + network access charge)

Cancer June 22 –July 23 A chance to travel is too good an opportunit­y to resist. Exploring a city known for its culture and distinctiv­e style will allow your creative juices to flow. You will have a fabulous time on this adventure and will return home in a better mood to attend to your usual responsibi­lities. For more call 0905 789 4174 (80p/min + network access charge)

Leo July 24 – August 23 Keep on top of a group project that is in danger of flying off the rails. Your contributi­on can make a real difference. This is your chance to establish yourself as a team player. Develop strategies to include everyone. Encourage others to showcase their strengths and your popularity will soar. For more call 0905 789 4175 (80p/min + network access charge)

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23 Is daily life becoming a boring chore? You need to be more spontaneou­s. It’s important for you to strike a healthy balance between work and play. Take the day off work to have some fun. Find tasks that draw on your creativity. When you devote more time to pleasurabl­e pursuits, you will thrive. For more call 0905 789 4176 (80p/min + network access charge)

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23 Several people expect you to drop everything whenever they need you. You’re growing tired of having to come to the rescue of your relatives and friends. Don’t feel guilty about turning down these requests if you have other things planned. You’ve got to start making your own needs a priority. For more call 0905 789 4177 (80p/min + network access charge)

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22 Developing your creative skills is strongly advised. Your devotion to your job and family is admirable but this shouldn’t stop you following your own desires. Take your skills seriously and sign up for a class. If you’re single you may meet someone special at a spiritual workshop. For more call 0905 789 4178 (80p/min + network access charge)

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21 A creative pursuit is worth your energy. In time this could grow into a money making venture. Spending time with talented people will be educationa­l and inspiratio­nal. You’re passionate about your ideas but don’t discuss them in a public forum. Give yourself a chance to develop plans in private. For more call 0905 789 4179 (80p/min + network access charge)

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 Organising a big family reunion will be far less of a problem than you first envisaged. Most people will be happy to go along with the majority in terms of dates, travel, venue and food. What’s most important is that you’re all keeping in touch and looking forward to seeing each other again. For more call 0905 789 4180 (80p/min + network access charge)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 Transport breakdowns and technical problems will wreak havoc with your schedule. You won’t be happy about having to buy some new equipment but it may be necessary in order to improve your work performanc­e. Taking a repair course could save you some money in the future. For more call 0905 789 4181 (80p/min + network access charge)

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20 You aren’t sure about how it has come about but you have too much on your plate at the moment. It is time to delegate tasks to other members of your team. Accept help from anyone who offers to take over some of your chores and stop trying to do everything on your own – it will break you. For more call 0905 789 4182 (80p/min + network access charge)

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