Daily Mirror

Russian spy poison cop is back at work

Group of 13 tourists ‘rip off cafes, steal, drink drive and litter beach’


SICK Nick Bailey THE policeman who was left critically ill after the Salisbury Novichok attack has returned to work.

Det Sgt Nick Bailey touched the deadly nerve agent as he searched the home of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33.

The pair were left fighting for their lives after the attack on March 5 last year. Russian spies have been accused of spraying the poison on their door.

Mr Bailey said his life would “never be the same again” when he left hospital on March 22.

But Wiltshire police yesterday confirmed he had returned to work.

Commission­er Angus McPherson said: “He’s making a good recovery but I suspect the mental recovery will be longer.” A BRITISH family are being booted out of New Zealand after they were labelled “a***holes” by a local mayor over claims of unruly behaviour.

It is said 13 tourists wreaked havoc in Hamilton and Auckland.

They were accused of abusing locals, ripping off at least seven cafes and restaurant­s, drink driving and stealing.

It was claimed they frequently ran off without paying for food after pretending to find ants and hair in their meals.

One granny and a child reportedly threatened to hit locals who complained about them littering a beach.

Another of the group, a woman of 26, was arrested on suspicion of theft.

Police and immigratio­n officials served deportatio­n papers – leading the group to miss a “highlight to see the Hobbits”.

Most of them are believed to be on a flight back to the UK.

Yesterday one of those involved said: “We are a respectabl­e family”. A man who claimed to be called David Johnson said: “We’re human beings and it isn’t very nice what happened.

“In regards to the mess [on the beach], we are not like that. If we go on holiday we treat every country like our own, no difference. I was brought up in London.”

He claimed the group had to leave the beach in a hurry because “one of the guys got very violent to one of my friends and everybody got around us and we had no choice but to leave. We couldn’t clean the mess up because we were badly intimidate­d.

“There’s two sides to the story. We’re English citizens, we were attacked on that beach and we left.”

A social media storm erupted on Facebook after Krista Curnow, 28, wrote about her run-in with the group at Takapuna Beach. She posted a video of a boy threatenin­g to “knock your brains out”. She said: “We asked the family if they can please not KRISTA CURNOW ON CONFRONTIN­G THE GROUP Cops with the group Children were also accused Seen in hols hotspots leave without picking up their rubbish... They turned violent, grandma and the child got involved, saying they wanted to punch my head in.”

A man who called himself John Johnson, David’s younger brother, said they would cut their trip short by a week and miss one of its highlights.

Mr Johnson, who claimed his grandad was the “10th richest man in England”, said: “We’re here to see the Hobbits... but it’s all been f ***** up now.”

Reports started on January 3 and culminated with trouble at Burger King.

Phil Goff, mayor of Auckland, stormed: “What a bunch of a***holes, these guys are trash. They are leeches.

“I’ve asked the council to follow up, I want them loaded with an infringeme­nt fine for trashing our country.”

Police said they are probing a “series of incidents”, adding: “A 26-year-old woman has been charged with theft.”

They turned violent... saying they wanted to punch my head in

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ONLINE STORM Antics were posted on social media WARNING RUN-IN ON MOVE
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