Daily Mirror



It it feared many businesses are coasting rather than progressin­g because of worry over what will happen after Brexit.

But business training expert Shaun Thomson reckons they’re being too cautious – and here the chief executive of Sandler Training (UK) gives his top tips on how to develop a winning sales plan in 2019 – despite the political uncertaint­y. Forget the distractio­n: Bosses work best when only worrying about what they can control. With Brexit, there won’t be a big step change when it’s a reality – so it shouldn’t hit investment and expansion decisions today. Don’t use Brexit as an excuse not to make big decisions.

Set realistic targets: There are two common mistakes business leaders make with planning – they overestima­te what they can do short-term and play down long-term ambitions. This puts too much pressure on the business at the start of the year, and stops bosses stretching to reach their potential by year-end. Split your targets into micro-chunks and activities and check in on the plan at least fortnightl­y so you can reward yourself for your progress.

Add emotional goals: Don’t let plans just revolve around financial targets. Ask yourself why you set these goals, as turnover/sales are just there to make the real goal happen. When a goal has an emotional connection, it’s personal, motivating you to see it through. Get the sales team to do the same and incentivis­e them with emotional rewards, not just financial bonuses.

Tracking activities: Document everything so you can share what you learn, and repeat the best practices. That may be identifyin­g the best prospectiv­e customers, what time to call them, what contact methods work best etc. Also note actions that lead to sales, like inbound enquiries, new contacts, new markets, new meetings, qualified leads and so on, so you get an early indication which methods are best to use – or avoid.

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