Daily Mirror


PM won’t ditch Brexit’s Irish border ‘insurance policy’

- BY BEN GLAZE Deputy Political Editor in Belfast ben.glaze@mirror.co.uk @benglaze

THERESA May yesterday vowed to stand by the controvers­ial Brexit backstop as she tries to revive her withdrawal deal.

The PM is under mounting pressure to either scrap the backstop, find a way the UK can leave it without EU approval, or secure a deadline by which it will end.

She flies to Brussels tomorrow for crisis talks with EU chiefs as she bids to overhaul the agreement so she can force it through Parliament. Last week, MPs agreed to back the pact if she can win changes to the backstop.

Yesterday, on a visit to Northern Ireland, Mrs May vowed to enforce the backstop, aimed at avoiding a hard border with the Republic if there is no deal, putting her at odds with hardline Tory Brexiteers.

Speaking in Belfast, Mrs May said: “I’m not proposing to persuade people to accept a deal that doesn’t contain that insurance policy for the future. The issue that... Parliament has raised is the potential indefinite nature of the backstop. That’s the issue we look to address.”

Local reporters told the PM that Northern

Irish businesses feel “betrayed and shafted” over the backstop.

Firms fear she will U-turn on pledges that the measure will stop checks and infrastruc­ture along the border.

But Mrs May said: “If the future relationsh­ip is not in place by the end of the implementa­tion period, there will be arrangemen­ts to ensure that we deliver no hard border.”

Mrs May is expected to face more Commons votes on February 14 unless she has a reworked plan to put before Parliament. She will skip PMQs today to hold talks with the DUP and Sinn Fein at Stormont.

The DUP wants the PM to ditch the backstop. But the EU insists there will be no deal without one. Mrs May will to speak to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Council President Donald Tusk in Brussels tomorrow. It will be their first face-toface meeting since the PM’s 230-vote defeat in Parliament last month.

People’s Vote campaigner, Tory MP Guto Bebb, said: “She’s going through the motions with the EU, letting the clock tick down, and then will try again to force through her deal.”

She is going through the motions to try to force her deal through GUTO BEBB ON THE PM’S TALKS WITH EU

 ??  ?? TOUGH TALKS PM Theresa May visits Belfast yesterday
TOUGH TALKS PM Theresa May visits Belfast yesterday

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