Daily Mirror

Broken system we depend on


MILLIONS of jobseekers, low-waged parents and the sick and disabled are being moved on to the new Universal Credit system which replaces six benefits.

It takes over Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance and Housing Benefit. UC was launched in 2013 by Tory Iain Duncan Smith supposedly to make work pay. But at the same time the Tory government cut billions of pounds from benefits, which made it less generous than its design.

Three-quarters of claimants struggled with bills and rent arrears soared £115 a head in two trial zones.

Those cuts have now largely been reversed after changes in the most recent Budget. Last year, the then Work and Pensions Secretary, Esther McVey, finally admitted some people “will be worse off” by £200 a month.

UC is expected to finish its roll-out in December 2023. The Tories have warned they will not be going back on the system. But current Work Secretary Amber Rudd may at least now take a second look.

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