Daily Mirror

Split Labour now so far from No 10


■ I previously supported Tony Blair but I believe that Jeremy Corbyn is one of the good guys and this should be uppermost in people’s minds.

Like our previous four Prime Ministers, I also think Brexit is bonkers, but it is going to happen so the plan should be about what comes next. Labour needs the support of the young, so a radical path to repair Tory damage is a good plan to appeal to them.

Some austerity was necessary after the credit crisis of 2008, but the Tories have taken things to the extreme because it suits their rightwing ideology. Labour should support Jeremy and stick with him. Clive Osman, Nuneaton, Warks

■ The rise of The Independen­t Group of MPs has once again highlighte­d the shambolic running of both major parties. I am all for a Labour government under Corbyn, but that seems very unlikely now. The fact that Theresa May’s weak government is still massively ahead in the polls highlights how far away from No. 10 Labour is. The Independen­t Group has to be taken seriously as the electorate is sick to the back teeth of the Labour/Tory puppet show. Rob Wildey Tamworth, Staffs

■ For 40 years we’ve been governed by Tory or Tory Lite government­s. First we had Thatcher, then Major who introduced the private finance initiative (PFI) which was accelerate­d by Blair’s New Labour. The Tories privatised the utility firms, brought private enterprise into the NHS and then Brown deregulate­d the banks.

They’ve bankrupted our country, saddled us with zero hours contracts, Universal Credit, created in-work poverty and brought about the calamitous Brexit.

Those MPs who quit are either Tory or Tory Lite. A new kind of politics is needed, but not a party that believes in what’s brought us to our knees, rather one that opposes it. Eric Thorpe, Salford

■ What a fractured Parliament we have at this crucial time. I have respect for all who have left their party and are not just following orders. I agree with the three ex-Tory MPs who say the Brexiteers are controllin­g the party.

These members are rich and privileged and have no affinity to the ordinary people.

D Hughesdon, South London

■ The Labour anti-Corbynites seem to have not accepted the democratic vote for his leadership. Deputy Tom Watson says he should appoint a wide range of views to his Shadow Cabinet, but that’s what he tried to do when he became leader.

Many refused to serve, and those who did staged a walkout. They don’t accept the referendum result on any terms, but only want to reject it. Umunna et al won’t put themselves up for election and thus are completely anti-democratic.

M Hutchins Christchur­ch, Dorset

■ Jeremy Corbyn seems to be succeeding where all previous Labour leaders have failed– in splitting the party. I wish he and his Trotskyist enforcers would quit. Labour needs to win over the middle ground before they can win an election and this will never happen under Corbyn. S Gardiner, via email

■ Labour defectors might regret letting publicitys­eeking Anna Soubry in their ranks. She is already centre stage and it may not be long before Ms ‘I know best’ Soubry falls out with the rest.

Mark Iles Newark, Notts

 ??  ?? EMOTION Tony Foulds at flypast
EMOTION Tony Foulds at flypast

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