Daily Mirror

Oh, for a PM like New Zealand’s...


■ PAUL Routledge is spot-on with his comments about New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (Mirror, March 22).

She has shown herself to be a natural leader who is a credit to her country and people in the face of the unspeakabl­e tragedy in Christchur­ch. Ms Ardern wasted no time in comforting the families of the victims and has swiftly moved to reform the country’s gun laws.

What a contrast to our own bungling Theresa May who is arrogant, stubborn and unable to relate to ordinary folk. We need more leaders like Jacinda who are strong, yet not afraid to show compassion and empathy.

C Nicholson, Salford, Gtr Manchester

■ Oh to have a Prime Minister like New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern – efficient, caring and able to communicat­e with people. Look at the difference between her response to Christchur­ch and our PM’s to the Grenfell Tower fire.

Mrs May comes across as uncaring and cold. She doesn’t know how to mix with ordinary people, is a waste of time over Brexit and should have resigned long ago.

All she thinks about is herself and her party remaining in power. The difference between these two leaders is vast and I know who I would prefer to run my country.

Eddie Fidler, Oxford

■ The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, has pledged that her Government

■ After the evil events in New Zealand recently, I have to comment on how impressive their Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been.

I thought the way she handled the recent murder of the young

British tourist,

■ Like Alison Phillips, I was deeply moved when I read that Farid Ahmed had forgiven the crazed gunman who went on a killing spree in Christchur­ch (Mirror, March 20).

His wife was one of the victims, but despite his personal loss, he sent a message of love and hope in the face of such a terrible tragedy.

He truly is an inspiratio­nal human being and we could all learn from his compassion.

Mike Smith, Chatham, Kent

■ I have nothing but respect and admiration for New Zealand’s Prime Minister. It is so refreshing to see a politician who cares about the citizens of her country. Jacinda Ardern really puts the likes of Trump, May and Putin to shame. David Roughead, Hull

■ New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s steadfastn­ess in the face of such tragedy has been a lesson for the whole world.

C Graham, Plymouth

 ??  ?? will cover the burial costs of those who lost their lives in tragic circumstan­ces in Christchur­ch.Speaking to some of the family members of the people killed, she gave them reassuranc­e that the Government would also provide financial support to the families, regardless of immigratio­n status.She’s a truly compassion­ate leader. Compare this to the delayed and aloof response of Theresa May after the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017. Shaun Shute, Gloucester Grace Millane, was compassion­ate, but she has surpassed this with her demeanour and leadership during the recent atrocity.If only we could have a leader like her to be proud of.Paul Summerfiel­d, Grays, Essex
will cover the burial costs of those who lost their lives in tragic circumstan­ces in Christchur­ch.Speaking to some of the family members of the people killed, she gave them reassuranc­e that the Government would also provide financial support to the families, regardless of immigratio­n status.She’s a truly compassion­ate leader. Compare this to the delayed and aloof response of Theresa May after the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017. Shaun Shute, Gloucester Grace Millane, was compassion­ate, but she has surpassed this with her demeanour and leadership during the recent atrocity.If only we could have a leader like her to be proud of.Paul Summerfiel­d, Grays, Essex
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