Daily Mirror



Finding the right talent for your business isn’t easy. With one eye on keeping things running, hiring new staff could fail if your process isn’t thorough enough, landing you with someone who quits within weeks and putting you back to square one.

We’ve teamed up with Ryan Bridgman, regional director UK & Ireland at jobs firm Jobrapido, for his tips on getting it right...

What are the essential skills and requiremen­ts of the role?

You could miss out on great talent because your job advertisem­ent has a long list of skills and requiremen­ts that one single candidate simply won’t possess. Before posting your advertisem­ent, be clear on the skills and experience required. Some candidates may have transferab­le skills from another industry. The job descriptio­n needs to sell your organisati­on too

Many firms think the job descriptio­n is simply about the job. But it’s a two-way process and candidates want to know what makes one organisati­on more attractive to work for than another. Say in the ad what makes your firm a great employer.

Use technology to remove unconsciou­s bias

It’s inevitable that people have preconceiv­ed ideas about the type of person they think will be suitable. Mitigate the risk of missing the right talent, as well as ensuring you adhere to rules around protected characteri­stics (gender, race, religion, belief, disability) by letting technology focus on skills and experience during the candidate targeting process. Think ahead

During the interview, assess how the candidate could progress within your organisati­on and be an asset two or five years hence.

Make a new employee feel supported and part of the organisati­on

As part of the induction process you might consider setting up a ‘work buddies’ scheme to help a new employee settle in during the first three to six months.

Or, have regular meetings so they can check in and can raise any teething problems or concerns. We see that nearly a quarter of candidates starting a new role begin looking for another job after two to three months, and a key factor in this is a poor settling-in experience.

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