Daily Mirror

Money making mag shames politician­s

Advertisin­g watchdog slams ‘Parliament­ary’ publicatio­n fronted by MPs


THERE’S a bunch of politician­s from all three main parties who should be feeling thoroughly embarrasse­d.

They’ve lent their name to an official-sounding outfit that I’ve previously exposed and that has now been condemned by watchdogs for misleading marketing.

I told last year how The Parliament­ary Review sends junk letters and emails to businesses, charities, hospitals and schools suggesting they might be honoured by inclusion in one of its magazines.

Plenty of prominent politician­s have been roped into supporting it.

Labour’s Lord Blunkett is co-chairman with former Conservati­ve MP Lord Pickles, Theresa May provided the foreword to one edition, and Tony Blair and Nick Clegg have spoken at its “celebrator­y evenings” held in Westminste­r.

Yet this is a private commercial operation which, despite the name, has no official Parliament­ary connection whatsoever.

One business owner who was approached accused it of “cheapening and exploiting Parliament”.

He told me: “The invitation from Eric Pickles was presented as a great honour and included an invitation to a celebrator­y evening to mark the Review’s release, with key figures from Westminste­r’s past and present in attendance. But it is no honour at all.

“The invitation, which it seems many have fallen for, is an unethical marketing ploy to get people to telephone the outfit producing this publicatio­n in order for them to deliver a sales pitch in which £3,500 per organisati­on featured is asked for.”

The Review is produced by Westminste­r Publicatio­ns Limited, run by 31-year-old Daniel Yossman.

“To suggest that our approaches are in any way unethical is wrong, misleading and inaccurate,” he replied, when I asked last year if he wanted to comment.

He also wrote to the Mirror’s editor saying: “Publicatio­n of any of these allegation­s, in any form whatsoever, would be materially damaging to our reputation and business, which currently has a turnover of £2.2million.

“We would not hesitate to take legal action immediatel­y in the event of any such publicatio­n.”

If that was an attempt to scare off The Mirror, it didn’t work, and we ran the story in February last year.

Now that story has been confirmed in a damning adjudicati­on by the Advertisin­g Standards Authority.

It ruled that junkmail sent by Parliament­ary Review in envelopes marked “The Office of Rt Hon the Lord Pickles” did not make plain that this was a marketing letter and misleading­ly implied that inclusion in the journal was something special. “The letter stated that recipients’ organisati­ons were being ‘invited’ to contribute and there was nothing to indicate that they would need to pay to be featured in The Parliament­ary Review,” the watchdog ruled. “We considered that recipients would be likely to understand that their organisati­on had been selected on the basis of merit to contribute to the publicatio­n.” In fact anyone who paid could be included, as proven by the Tyneside school that appeared with the slogan “Highlighti­ng best practice” but was repeatedly categorise­d as failing by education standards body Ofsted.

The watchdog also said that the Review wrongly gave the impression that it enjoyed official status, and failed to make clear that the content of its magazines was paid-for advertoria­ls. Westminste­r Publicatio­ns claimed that it had not intended to mislead and said that in future it would include a phrase making clear that it is “independen­t of government and entirely funded by the organisati­ons who appear in it”.

I’ll be watching with interest to see which politician­s help promote any further editions.


There was nothing to indicate they would need to pay to be in the Review

 ??  ?? IN A PICKLES
Eric, right, Tony Blair, top left, and Nick Clegg
IN A PICKLES Eric, right, Tony Blair, top left, and Nick Clegg

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