Daily Mirror

No debate over who should win


■ THE “debate” on ITV between Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson was a total farce, with Johnson persisting in only talking about “getting Brexit done”. He bluffed and blustered, evading specific questions, particular­ly relating to his ability to be trusted.

Chairperso­n Julie Etchingham was unable to keep him under control as he behaved like a spoilt, attention-seeking child.

In contrast, Corbyn acted with integrity, responding to questions succinctly and generally keeping to his allocated time.

If, after witnessing Johnson’s performanc­e, there are still voters intending to vote for a Tory Government, I’m afraid the future is very frightenin­g indeed. Sandra Walter, South East London

■ Watching the debate, I don’t really care for either leader. They all waffle and I just can’t see who would make a good prime minister out of any of the three main parties, which will only leave this country in greater limbo.

Why Cameron had to call a referendum in the first place, I’ll never understand. I love my country and would hate for it to be sold down the river, but I can’t think who to vote for if these leaders are our only choice. Jennifer Phelps Somerton, Somerset

■ In my opinion, it is a Prime Minister’s job to unite the country, so if there is another EU referendum they should remain neutral and not campaign for either Leave or Remain, leaving the decision to the public. That is their job, after all. This is the mistake that the previous three Prime Ministers have made in only seeking to promote their deal, which has further divided the country and the parties. Corbyn is doing exactly the right thing in remaining neutral. Pete Perry, Stevenage, Herts

■ The Conservati­ves have been caught out renaming one of its official Twitter accounts as “factcheckU­K” during the recent election debate, removing any direct mention of the party from the username and images in an attempt to pass off Tory distortion and lies as the truth. Here’s one fact that doesn’t need checking – the Tories are the lowest of the low! Sasha Simic North London

■ The derision expressed by the audience during the Johnson v Corbyn live TV debate just shows what we think of politician­s. We see them as self-serving individual­s, not as our serving representa­tives.

Whoever can convince the voters of their sincerity will have a greater chance of becoming the next PM.

Ken Pennington Stalybridg­e, Greater Manchester

■ Corbyn won the debate hands down. He gave clear, concise answers whereas Johnson waffled and blustered his way through.

I thought I would scream if I heard the phrase, “Get Brexit done” one more time. The man is a liar and he doesn’t even care.

I fear for the future of democracy. G Shields, Liverpool

■ It’s difficult to understand how the Tories are ahead in the polls. I’d have thought the British people would have seen Johnson doesn’t care. If the Tories do get another five years in power, we get what we deserve. We don’t want or need another term of Tory lies.

Jim Bond, Great Hormead, Herts

■ Regarding the election, can’t we make manifesto pledges legally binding? It’s akin to a carrot being put in front of the donkey, but we never get what’s promised.

Mick Smith, Tilbury, Essex

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Kate is a credit to Royal Family
STUNNING Kate is a credit to Royal Family

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