Daily Mirror

Live healthy with


This week campaigner and food writer talks to us about the way your body smells

Body odour is our way of eliminatin­g toxic waste, so it makes sense to me that if you don’t consume these toxins you won’t have an unpleasant scent on your skin.

Avoiding too many acid-forming foods such as animal proteins, fats and starches will make a big difference.

And the more refined and processed foods are, the more likely it is the skin will have to eliminate toxins.

Some people are unaware of their odour and start to wonder why their colleagues start to scatter when they turn up at the coffee machine. Using deodorant only masks it.

Try to stick to fruits and vegetables as your main source of alkaline-forming foods – they are a natural cleanser.

It’s also best washing with natural soaps that contain no harmful chemicals.

Loose-fitting cotton clothes also help if you have a severe problem because synthetic clothing can prevent your skin from breathing and eliminatin­g toxins.

If you want to go completely natural, try mixing a few drops of your favourite essential oil in a little water, shake it well and dab under your armpits.

If you have the chance and finance to see a kinesiolog­ist, who looks at improving body efficiency, do it. Not only will you understand which foods give you energy and which take them away, but you can also do a test to find out which oils are most suitable for you.

If you are a vegan with a generally healthy diet, you can usually get away with a deodorant stone made from non-toxic and natural materials such as potassium sulphate and other colloidal minerals.

If you’re not 100% sure what’s in your perfume and aftershave, spray it on your clothes rather than your skin. Things like artificial musk are highly toxic, or if it contains phthalates, be aware is an ingredient that is added to plastic to soften it.

So read the ingredient­s in food or anything you put on your skin and Google chemical words you don’t understand.


Try mixing a few drops of your favourite essential oil with a little water for a totally natural deodrant

@heatheroff­icial @Vbitesfood website: heathermil­ls.org

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