Daily Mirror




Brussels wants European fishermen to continue fishing in British waters in return for access to EU waters – and for a deal to be done by July. But Boris Johnson is prepared to make this a showdown issue with British waters reserved for British fleets. Environmen­t

EU leaders say the UK must uphold all of its environmen­tal standards that are in force by December 31, 2020 and commit to the EU’s climate change targets “where relevant”. Britain has stressed it won’t back-pedal but campaigner­s fear that, without legally binding clauses, it could as part of trade deals with countries like the US. Workers’ rights

The document says Britain must not lower any labour or social protection laws below

EU levels – including workplace rights, health and safety and consultati­on rules. It could be a thorn in the side of UK hopes to diverge from Brussels rules.

Business competitio­n

The EU’s priority is the “level playing field” that would guarantee the UK couldn’t use Brexit to undercut its neighbours and scoop up business.

But the UK is backing off the aim with talk of an Australian-style deal. It fears signing up could limit its abilities to strike trade deals. Security and police Both sides want to avoid any breakdown in the relationsh­ip that targets continent-wide crime such as drug and people traffickin­g, terrorism and counterfei­ting. British police can still use EU systems to check records of foreign nationals, or alerts on wanted people. With no agreement access could be trickier. State aid

Brussels will push the UK to follow EU rules on the amount of government support that can be given to industries. It is these rules that have prevented European government­s giving help to their steel industries, for example. Courts

One of Mr Johnson’s key red lines has been removing Britain from the influence of European courts. The EU isn’t playing ball. But the EU and the UK will have to agree to a dispute settlement system. Brussels insists the European Court of Justice must have final say on rulings that require EU law to be interprete­d. Financial services Lots of money has been made in the City of London by sucking up EU-wide business. The EU is keen to take advantage of companies looking to move out of the UK. Northern Ireland

Brussels says any agreement should be “without prejudice” to the Northern Ireland protocol, which aims to avoid a hard border. The PM has reportedly ordered his team to find ways to “get around” it. Cultural objects The EU wants the return of “unlawfully” removed cultural objects such as the Elgin Marbles to be on the table. No 10 has said their future isn’t up for debate.

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