Daily Mirror

Getting ahead of ourselves



C4, 9pm

ERICA is 23 years old, dressed rather modestly in a floral frock and cardigan, and extremely polite. But she’s freaky as hell.

Erica is the most advanced human-like robot ever to have existed – and she can hold a proper conversati­on.

Thanks to facial recognitio­n technology, speech generation algorithms and infrared sensors, she’s having a chat with Alice Levine – if only Alice wasn’t so scared of her.

“That petrified me,” says Alice, “Her eyes are so real.”

Alice has been sent to Japan by tech-lover Kevin McCloud, part of this series to investigat­e technology solutions that could save our planet. And it’s a fascinatin­g, futuristic tour.

Elsewhere, fellow cynic Phil Wang has been sent to China, while Jon

Richardson has his own problems over in America. He’s at the world’s first bio-hacking facility, called Upgrade Labs, which looks like a gym full of robotic equipment.

Cheating a proper workout, various treatments from cryotherap­y to red light therapy and flotation tanks promise to “start your upgrade” and help your body and brain perform better.

Jon is not convinced though – he’d rather just go for a run. Over in

China, fellow comedian Phil meets a man who shows him his nine-bed mansion that he claims was built in one week by one person.

The mystery builder turns out to be the world’s largest 3D printer – and it’s a sight to behold.

No builders having tea breaks, no cutting corners, they say… but is it a problem that we just won’t need humans at all?

A thought-provoking and astonishin­g insight into the future.

Jon RIchardson visits the world’s first bio-hacking facility
NOT CONVINCED Jon RIchardson visits the world’s first bio-hacking facility
 ??  ??

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