Daily Mirror

How world is reacting

Mum gets shiny with Joe Wicks Banks cut their opening hours


France £124 fine for being outside without an essential reason. Up to £3,393 and six months in prison for repeat offenders. Must fill in form before going out. All non-essential shops closed.

Italy More than £184 fine and up to three months in prison. In Lombardy up to £4,588. Must fill in form before going out. Non-essential businesses and schools closed.

Spain Fine of £92 and up to one year in jail. Fine of £27,513 for disobeying order by police to return home. All non-essential businesses and schools shut. Some towns quarantine­d. Public gatherings of more than two banned. Schools and non-essential busineses shut. Australia Pubs, clubs, gyms and restaurant­s closed. Non-essential gatherings of more than 500 banned. Schools open.

STARK Graffiti in Berlin street

Fines of up to £4,242 for being out without justificat­ion. Many businesses shut.

STEP UP Lily, Clara, Elise & mum Julie

THE second he bounds onto the screen, Joe Wicks makes me flush with the sight of his from-the-shower wet hair.

But it is time to dust off my croissant crumbs and give myself a shake, as The Body Coach is helping me and my 11-year-old triplet daughters stay happy and fit with his daily PE session.

Across the world, 953,000 subscriber­s yesterday also tuned in live to London-based Joe, 33, to help them beat lockdown lethargy. And as the day wears on, his views soar to 1.8 million.

As we work our way through mountain climbers, side lunges and planks, my girls do what they’ve never done before: exactly what they’re told.

“This burns my tummy,” says Elise as she’s on the floor doing bicycle abs. “This is my favourite,” says Clara, who’s using Joe’s 30 seconds of high kicking as an excuse to boot Lily’s bum.

“Mum’s gone all shiny,” says Lily, as they laugh. It’s only 9.30am and we’re puffed out, proud of ourselves and certain to tune in again tomorrow.

BANKS and building societies are reducing branch opening hours and making customers observe the two-metre distancing rule during visits.

Nationwide Building Society is the latest to announce shorter hours, now between 10am and 2pm on weekdays.

Mandy Beach, Nationwide’s director of branches, said: “We will try to keep as many of our branches open while we are able to. Where possible we would ask people to use online or mobile banking services.”

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