Daily Mirror

Gunners in line for Dan deal

Lockdown stars’ guide to health, fitness.. and even making omelettes


THE extreme efforts to keep Premier League stars fit in mind and body can be revealed – including an app showing how to make a healthy omelette.

With players training alone at their homes, clubs have stepped up support for those missing out on their usual regime with team-mates and coaches.

Some are suffering from anxiety over the coronaviru­s shut-down and worry about their families, with all having access to counsellin­g.

They are also downloadin­g six training sessions a week from GPS watches to prove they are grafting – and getting personalis­ed instructio­ns for home cooking. Top-flight clubs all have doctors who are managing the health – physical and mental – of players.

Newcastle United have been at the forefront since becoming the first club to ban handshakes when the virus threat emerged.

The medical staff are dripfeedin­g info to stars to promote positivity and learning, including a nutrition week with an app giving cooking tips.

The players are also getting vitamin D supplement­s because they are not being exposed to as much sunshine as usual.

Dr Paul Catterson, who works with the Toon players, said: “For the next step, we are going to do recipe videos. For instance, if you want to cook an omelette, click on this link, here are the ingredient­s. Nutritious things. This is how you keep your muscle mass up at the moment.”

They’re also holding a mental health week, where players can talk privately and are guided towards advice.

WhatsApp groups have been set up to maintain contact with fitness coaches.

GPS and heart-rate trackers have been handed out to gather data on solo training regimes.

And kit from Newcastle’s gym has also been loaned out for strength training.

Dr Catterson explained: “They are normal human beings. I have picked up that there is anxiety – that is really centred on players who are away from home, away from their families and it is difficult for them.” The doctor has appeared on the club’s Be A Game Changer Facebook broadcast, which aims to get fans talking openly about mental health.

And he said: “They are going to get the ability to speak to people. We also use a life-performanc­e coach.

“This is completely new for the players, they are just normal people. We have tried to be proactive.”

Newcastle players do three cardio and three conditioni­ng sessions per week – and suggestion­s that the fastest players put their devices on their dogs prove unfounded.

Dr Catterson added: “We get them to record their weights and take a picture on their phone. It could be anyone on the scales, but they have been pretty good at it.

“There have been some reports of putting watches on dogs, but I think they are just joking around.

“It is about keeping up that interactio­n with them. These are your reminders, and some funny bits.

“Also, it is difficult to get gym equipment online at the moment.

“If players order what they want through the strength and conditioni­ng coach, we take it to the car park at the training ground near the security chaps and it is put in the back of the car for them.

“Our gym at the training ground currently looks like a Boxing Day sale!”

ARSENAL have been given new hope of bringing Dani Ceballos back to the Emirates next season.

Ceballos insists he is determined to finish the current campaign with the Gunners despite his loan move from Real Madrid running out on June 30.

But Arsenal had been resigned to the fact the 23-year-old would return to the Bernabeu once the season does finally end.

Ceballos has always wanted to break into Real’s first team but Madrid boss Zinedine Zidane has put him on a list of 12 players likely to be surplus to requiremen­ts next season.

Zidane has 37 players under contract and is already trying to whittle down the numbers.

Real’s current preference would be to loan out Ceballos again next season – opening the door for Arsenal to extend his deal.

But Valencia and Real Betis have already made contact about a permanent transfer – and it is understood Real will listen to offers this summer.

Meanwhile, Ceballos is still keen to complete the current season at Arsenal.

He said: “I finish my contract on June 30 but I would have to continue to play for Arsenal. How would that work? I don’t know.

“I came to Arsenal to be an important player. In the last month-and-a-half, I felt important”

 ??  ?? Toon stars have no excuses not to be keeping themselves fit
Toon stars have no excuses not to be keeping themselves fit
 ??  ?? On-loan Arsenal midfielder Ceballos
On-loan Arsenal midfielder Ceballos

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