Daily Mirror

Inquiry right now – or more will die


■ BORIS Johnson and Co have been running their own version of The Late, Late Show – and still it continues.

So far they’ve been late with the lockdown at ports and airports, late in introducin­g the nationwide lockdown, late with PPE, late with testing and with track and trace and now they are late with making face masks compulsory in shops.

It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. Now it looks like after being late to publish the Russia report, they are going to be late with the investigat­ion into the response to the pandemic.

Here’s a thought Mr Johnson, instead of acting like a five-year old making jokes about underpants at PMQs, answer the questions like a grown-up and stop and think.

People watching your juvenile behaviour have lost loved ones without a last kiss or goodbye hug. Mary Pester, Saltash, Cornwall

■ The Prime Minister must not get away with kicking a Covid-19 public inquiry into the long grass. There’s no escaping the fact that Britain has fared worse than most countries due to the Government’s tardy and shambolic response, made worse by the Cummings affair which undermined public health guidelines. If Johnson really had the interests of the country at heart he would order an inquiry now so lessons can be learnt before we get the second wave scientists predict. William Giles, Nottingham

■ All the world’s scientists agree an effective test, track and trace system is needed to fight Covid -19 and give people the confidence to get back to work, school and something resembling a normal life.

But Johnson and his advisers know such a system, similar to those in other countries, means they will no longer be able to mask infection and death numbers.

Their incompeten­t smoke and mirrors strategy of handling the pandemic has led to tens of thousands of needless deaths – and they know when it comes to a public inquiry they will all be long gone from government before it establishe­s blame.

Len Goodwin, Doncaster

■ Now the UK death rate is above 45,000, more than any other country in Europe, isn’t it time Boris Johnson and his incompeten­t cronies were consigned to history and we had a coalition government to help get this pandemic under control?

This Government is making it up as it goes along, trying to bluff its way through and hoodwink the country into believing they have control. Despite the horrific death toll each day we see some buffoon tell us everything is fine. Rubbish! This Government poses a threat to life with its total incompeten­ce.

Mike Quennell, Reigate, Surrey

■ We need an inquiry now to prevent more needless deaths in a likely second wave due this autumn.

This Tory Government has blood on its hands – but sadly Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson will continue to bluster his way through as usual, irrespecti­ve of thousands more lives being put at risk for little reason.

Johnson alleges an inquiry now will take up valuable Government time. What nonsense. Like Nero, he will continue to fiddle – just as Britain continues to burn in the flames of Covid-19.

Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon

■ Call me a cynic but won’t any inquiry into the Government’s response to the pandemic be a total whitewash?

Either that or Boris will just do his usual and refuse to answer questions, obfuscate or lie through his back teeth to avoid blame.

The man is a coward who cannot face up to the truth and only cares about holding onto power.

Paul Milner, Woodford, Essex

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