Daily Mirror

Bird-brained rule typical of Tories


WHAT a complete shambles this Government is as the new law comes into effect forbidding us from meeting in groups of more than six. Moreover, we are being encouraged to spy on our friends and neighbours while care homes fear a second spike amid a shortage of tests (Mirror, September 15). Despite all of this, the toffs can meet up in a party of 30 to go grouse shooting.

This Government seems to have lost the plot. They have had from March to sort out their response to this virus but all their schemes and plans are in disarray as it continues to spread unabated and people have to travel miles to get a test. As usual, it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us. Same old Tories. Dave Mellor, Warrington

Tuesday’s front-page story was perhaps the most disgusting and shocking thing I have read about this Government so far. So, if I want to go out with 29 others and kill something for fun, that’s OK. If that isn’t proof that we live in a country divided by class, then I don’t know what is. Thank you for letting us know about these things and always being on the side of those who wouldn’t t join a grouse shoot if you u paid us. Sylvia Murphy, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex

So, citizens are being g encouraged to grass on n neighbours who are in n breach of the coronaviru­s s safety rules, yet it’s perfectly y all right for hunters to o massacre grouse in groups of

up to 30? It only goes to show the class system in Britain is still alive and kicking – unlike the poor grouse. It’s going to be a bleak Christmas for the masses but not so for the elite. Plenty of grouse on the Christmas dinner plate for them. Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon

We are arranging a grouse shoot in our back garden at the weekend. Twenty- nine relatives will be invited, they will all be equipped with children’s bows and arrows – the ones with the rubber suckers on the end – and lunch will be a barbecue with the obligatory beverages. All grouse flying over our garden at the weekend do so at their own risk!

Len Goodwin, Doncaster South Yorks

Apparently l parents who h stop to chat on the street when picking up their kids from school could be fined under the Government’s new rules but it’s OK for the elite to “mingle” while holding shooting and hunting parties.

It seems this Tory Government of millionair­es holds ordinary working-class people in contempt. Why people vote for them I will never understand.

Lesley Thompson

Oldbury, West Mids

It is no real surprise that blasting grouse to bits is still allowed during this pandemic. After all, the aristocrac­y has always been able to do just what it likes. As usual, we peasants are the ones who must stick to the rules. Stefan Badham, Portsmouth

Regarding Reg grouse hunting being exempt exemp from the Rule Of Six, we should expect nothing more from this up upper-crust Tory Government. When are the working class ever going to learn – never trust or vote Tory? T

Angela Jones Chippenham, Chippe Wilts

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