Daily Mirror

OAPs are being Hunt-ed down

- Edited by AMANDA EVANS

■ THE average household is now paying out more than £300 in price increases – including water and Post Office rises, both incompeten­t at running their businesses.

Why should taxpayers put up with our money going to rich shareholde­rs and us getting a third rate service?

As a pensioner any increase I got from the triple lock will be wiped out by these utility increases – and because Jeremy Hunt didn’t adjust the personal allowance I have been dragged into paying more tax.

As Chancellor, he must have known this would happen to pensioners. It won’t be forgotten. Tony Howard, Salford

■ I am 83 and because of the frozen tax threshold I have had to pay an extra £20 a month tax.

This must be the worst Conservati­ve government on record – all previous government­s looked after pensioners. I’m looking forward to a Labour government.

Kenneth Parr, Eccles, Salford

■ Jeremy Hunt’s vow to keep the triple lock pension mechanism is another empty Tory pledge. His insistence in keeping the tax threshold at £12,570 means he has effectivel­y wiped out any increase pensioners get from the triple lock.

R Tandy, Liverpool

■ Jeremy Hunt makes out that pensioners have received a huge rise. The £10 increase for people born before 1952 can’t even begin to cover the increase for water, gas, electric etc. Every time the living wage goes up, prices on food go up to cover it. The pension in England is a fraction of the living wage and one of the lowest in the western world. The Tories claim compensati­on for WASPI women will come out of the taxpayer. Who does he think paid tax and insurance for more than 45 years, unlike a lot of claimants today?

Mary Taylor, Fairburn, North Yorks

■ Having read about the numbers of pensioners that will be pulled into paying income tax this year and all subsequent years until 2028, I’m here to report that this will not only impact state pensioners.

I am 65, disabled and survive on two small private pensions. I retired early at 56, following the death of my husband. I cannot draw my state pension (worked for 43 years) until January 2025.

My income is less than the personal allowance, but I shall be sucked into paying income tax once the pensions rise by 6.7% as they are index linked and this will push my income over the threshold. So despite the rise I will probably not gain anything from it. This government is employing the usual practice of giving with one hand (usually with a fanfare) and sneakily taking back with the other. Jacquelyn Allsop Lowestoft, Suffolk

■ Time and time again it’s the pensioners who suffer most at the hands of this disastrous government. The cost of living crisis is a joke – who can afford to buy a decent weekly shop any more?

My pension won’t see me through for much longer. The sooner we can get rid of this shambolic government the better.

Roy Stewart, North London

■ Do these politician­s live in the real world? Clearly not. How do they expect pensioners like myself to keep going week in, week out?

Because the Tories have made a mess of their economic policies they expect people who have worked all their lives and paid their NI contributi­ons to help bail them out. It’s disgusting.

Freezing income tax thresholds hits pensioners the hardest – as well they know.

Wilf Talbot, Nuneaton, Warwicks

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