Daily Mirror

Crime victims’ fury over court transcript payment

Campaign over fees up to £22,000

- BY DAN WARBURTON dan.warburton@mirror.co.uk @DailyMirro­rDan

CRIME victims say they should not be charged thousands for vital transcript­s of their trials.

The Open Justice for All Campaign group told the Mirror they have been asked to pay up to £22,000 for court papers which help them understand a judgment or launch an appeal.

Rape victim Juliana Terlizzi, 36, who has waived her anonymity, said she was asked to pay almost £7,500.

She said: “I wanted my transcript because my trial was so traumatic that I struggled to take it all in. The criminal justice system does not care about victims.” The House of Lords will today debate an amendment to the Victims and Prisoners Bill, demanding free access to transcript­s.

David Challen was quoted £1,400 for a transcript after his mum was freed from jail after killing her husband after years of psychologi­cal abuse.

He said: “I can’t recall what I or other people said. I cannot have closure.” A mum quoted £22,000 for a transcript of her daughter’s rape trial paid the £2,200 fee for a section of it but found large parts redacted.

The group also wants better rights for rape survivors, such as more virtual attendance facilities. The Government said it has started a pilot scheme of free transcript­s for rape victims.

The justice system does not care about the victims


 ?? ?? £7,500 Juliana wanted her court transcript
£7,500 Juliana wanted her court transcript
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