Daily Record

Dear Coleen


I CAN’T believe I’m writing this but I think my husband could be gay.

We have two young children and I always thought we were very close – we’ve been together for 11 years.

Over the past year, my husband has changed and seems a lot more irritable and is obsessed with his best male friend. They see each other every day, text and also speak on the phone several times a day.

My husband speaks about this man at home every day and, when we’re out having a meal as a family, he’ll sit there and text him.

I feel as if there are three of us in this marriage and it’s making me so miserable. I really feel for our children as their daddy should be paying them more attention but he would rather send crude messages to this friend.

I even found a pair of pants in our washing recently that didn’t belong to my husband. He claims they got mixed up in the tennis changing rooms, which I thought could be possible.

My husband always makes sure he kisses me goodbye when we part, we do sit closely in the evening, he looks after us well financiall­y and tells me he loves me. We still make love once a week but recently he turned me down, which he would never have done before.

If I say anything against this friend he hates it and he knows I don’t like him. Should I sit him down and talk it through properly once and for all or just hope this phase passes? I keep thinking it could be a mid-life crisis but how long do I put up with it?

I’m exhausted and hardly sleeping with the worry of it all. I really thought we were a happy family.

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