Daily Record

They’re children, not publicity tools, Madge


ANOTHER week, another flurry of pics on Madona’s social media sites, featuring her newly adopted, four-year-old twin daughters, Stella and Esther.

Here are the girls in their Adidas tracksuits. Here are the girls playing piano. And here, in perhaps the most cynical one yet, are the girls in cool camouflage jackets with the caption, “My Mom is thinking about releasing her Rebel Heart DVD for her birthday. Can you wait that long?”

We can, Madge. If fact, we’ll hang about until you get the message that these gorgeous little girls are children that deserve privacy, not publicity tools to be trotted out to promote whatever you’re flogging.

●THIS week’s esteemed PISH award (Profiteeri­ng Is Shameless Here) is being slipped into a Louis Vuitton tennis racket case and delivered to whatever country club Phil Green is currently frequentin­g.

The former BHS chief has finally stumped up £363million to plug some of the £571million black hole in the pension fund – a policy that probably won’t go down quite as well the next time I offer thirty quid for a £50 dress in TopShop.

Of course, he’s fooling no one. This wasn’t done out of benevolenc­e, justice or righteousn­ess. It was the only way to retain his knighthood and take the heat off his public vilificati­on.

Like a shoplifter wearing three jumpers, a cashmere cardie and a designer frock under his full-length puffa, Green’s not sorry for his actions. He’s only sorry he got caught and his mugshot, record and modus operandi are now so well known that future targets can see him coming.

 ??  ?? LOWLIFE Parasite Green paid up under pressure
LOWLIFE Parasite Green paid up under pressure

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