Daily Record

Stateside Nic doesn’t deserve pelters


WHILE away, I saw Nicola Sturgeon getting pelters for daring to go abroad. Forgive me for not joining in the collective stoning but we all need a break sometimes, and Scotland needs to be represente­d overseas.

Sturgeon took her work on holiday with her, lecturing America about Scottish independen­ce while domestic opponents would rather she got on with the day job.

That seems to be the mood of Scotland’s strangulat­ed politics just now, with no break in the constituti­onal logjam until the polls jolt things along or until events, dear boy, events, change the tune.

Sturgeon’s forays into internatio­nal affairs are as nothing to the misadventu­res of Boris Johnson in the last week.

Unless you are Boris Johnson then I suppose there is no good week to be Boris Johnson, but poor Foreign Secretary came back from the G7 with his tail between his legs. Mocked for cancelling a trip to Moscow, where he could have confronted the Kremlin directly on Assad’s chemical attack on civilians, Johnson was dismissed by his G7 colleagues over a call for Russian sanctions.

His team now admit that there may have been a misunderst­anding of what the blubbering Foreign Secretary meant by sanctions.

He wants targeted action against high-profile military individual­s involved in the Syrian campaign, not the kind of measures that would lead Moscow to switch off the gas pipe to western European economies.

Written down as a serial blunderer, Johnson was actually right to pursue this line against Russia but was spat out in the whirlwind of events.

Like Sturgeon, he won’t be dented by a few bad headlines and events may prove him, and her, right in the end.

As the bard said, the loser now will be later to win.

 ??  ?? BIG BREAK Sturgeon
BIG BREAK Sturgeon

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