Daily Record

Gutter rats

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE CRUEL CALL Dortmund should have refused to play Atletico after disgracefu­l UEFA’s decision to play match a day later


SHaTTErED Borussia Dortmund star Nuri Sahin almost got it right.

In the face of the terrible position his team were put in by UEFA this week, the midfielder gave an interview following his team’s loss to Monaco in the Champions League and stated: “There is so much more than football in this world.”

Sahin was nearly correct. But he forgot to mention that in the world of UEFA, there is so much more than football. There is also lots of money and a disgusting level of greed and self-service.

Sports View has long held a contempt for the moneygrabb­ing powerbroke­rs in the game who treat customers and participan­ts with utter disdain.

These are people who are currently punishing Scotland, basically because this country does not have a bottomless pit of TV cash to pour into their Swiss bank accounts.

Who cares about the chances of Scottish teams doing well in Europe? You don’t give us enough money and there are plenty of other weak and miserable countries just like you, so we don’t want you in our big competitio­ns.

Therefore, we will set up our biggest club tournament in a way that tries to ensure your kinds don’t make it.

You’ll play as many qualifying rounds as we can fit in to weed out the rubbish like yourselves and you can start playing them at the start of the summer while the real football teams are still on the beach.

The Europa League is also expanding and becoming more lucrative, so if clubs from Scotland and the other junk nations can play 615 qualifying ties, that would be ideal.

Even if you get through them, we’re then going to stick a few of the big guns who made a wee mistake in the Champions League qualifiers into your play-off to get them a decent slice of the pie.

In footballin­g terms, they have always had the morals of gutter rats. But for UEFA to sink as low as they did in humanitari­an terms and behave the way they did against Dortmund this week was, even by their standards, as low as you can get.

Here was a group of boys on their way to a match when an explosion rocked their bus.

One of their group, Marc Bartra, was injured during the

UEFA took more interest in the sponsors and the broadcast partners

 ??  ?? STUNNED Sven Bender, left, suffers against Monaco after bus blast, top, injured Bartra, above
STUNNED Sven Bender, left, suffers against Monaco after bus blast, top, injured Bartra, above

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