Daily Record



‘It’s amazing news for the Jags. A new training facility and a top six finish. If my hair grows back it will be the best week of my life’

in the position they’re in due to the dream of winning the Big Cup, something they will never achieve.”

said: “Celtic have won their titles beating what has been put in front of them. What more can they do?”

said: “Jim Brown said Celtic’s financial power has ruined our game. Surely he has forgotten or maybe he wasn’t born during Rangers’ recklessne­ss with money in the past.”

One Gers fan is confident the Hoops won’t get to nine or 10. said: “You can’t buy courage and guts and that’s exactly what Rangers had at Aberdeen last week.

“Celtic are just 11 men. I guarantee they will fall in the next 12 months.”

Joe Dodoo’s claim Rangers are better than Aberdeen also got a reaction.

said: “What game was this guy Dodoo watching? Everyone knows this game was a one-sided affair.

“How come all these silly statements come from the Ibrox direction – such as Pedro’s best squad in Scotland quote?”

said: “There have been more reported sightings recently of Lord Lucan in Glasgow than Dave King?” The Scottish Cup semi is going to be fun and

said: “If anyone wants a buckshee week in the sun then take all the savings, dig out the wife’s jewellery and pawn all the silver, and stick it on Rangers getting a penalty in the Scottish Cup semi-final. “Just remember to pack the factor 50.” Finally, some hair-raising news from Partick Thistle. emailed: “It’s truly amazing news for the Jags – a purpose-built training facility in the same week as securing a top-six finish.

“What a week. If my hair will just grow back it will be the greatest week of my life.” CALL THE HOTLINE TODAY FROM 11 TILL NOON on: 0141 309 3306 or email us: hotline@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

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