Daily Record

Are you at risk?

Tick the answers that most describe you – and then read on...


The white stuff – salt

a. I eat out and have takeaways and ready meals quite a lot. I always add salt to my food and eat a lot of crisps and salty snacks.

b. I like a bacon sandwich but try to not add salt to my food when cooking by using other flavours. I will occasional­ly use readymade sauces, stock cubes and soy sauce.

c. I never add salt to my food and eat very little processed food.

Couch potato or fitness fanatic?

a. I drive to work and spend most of the day sitting in front of a screen. I rarely do anything too physical.

b. Although I sit at a desk all day I do try to exercise a couple of times a week (though I often make excuses not to).

c. I exercise regularly and aim to be active every day.

Five-a-day or avoid your greens?

a. I don’t eat fruit and veg every day.

b. I try to eat fruit and veg but don’t reach my five-a-day.

c. I eat fruit and veg at each meal and for snacks during the day.

Sizing up your weight

a. I am overweight.

b. My weight has crept up in recent years.

c. I am in the right weight range for my height.

Binge-drinker or tee-total?

a. I have a few alcoholic drinks most nights and probably too many at the weekends.

b. I try to have a few alcohol-free nights a week and drink sensibly.

c. I don’t usually drink, maybe a glass or two of wine or beer in a week.

Fatty or fat-free?

a. I love fried food, red meat, sausages and ham and can’t have a tea or coffee without a couple of biscuits. b. I like cakes, biscuits and pastries – but don’t eat them every day. c. I eat a balanced diet but have the occasional treat now and then.

Given up or lighting up?

a. Yes, I smoke. b. I used to smoke. c. I’ve never smoked.

When did you last have your blood pressure measured?

a. What is blood pressure and how do you measure it? b. I had it measured years ago but I don’t know what it was. c. I had it measured in the last year and know what my numbers are.

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