Daily Record

What your food craving REALLY means

Are you dreaming about chocolate or desperate for chips? Experts believe our foods urges could reveal a host of secret health issues including vitamin deficienci­es, insomnia and depression… By Caroline Jones


WE ALL crave a particular food sometimes – be it pizza, bread or chocolate.

But if we’re obsessing about one food type, could our body actually be trying to tell us something?

The answer is yes, according to research – which suggests our snacking behaviour could reveal vital clues about our health.

Nutritioni­st Emily Whitehead said: “Cravings for specific foods could be an indication of a deficiency in a particular nutrient.

“For example, craving for chocolate can highlight a magnesium deficiency.”

Likewise, there’s evidence that craving other food groups can point to low mood or high stress levels.

Nutritioni­st Linda Foster said: “One common reason is that many of us eat too many processed foods – or skip whole food groups on restrictiv­e diets. This means our bodies are missing out on vital nutrients.”

Some research suggests cravings might be the body’s response to a monotonous diet.

In one study published in the journal Physiology & Behaviour, healthy young adults followed a diet that met all of their nutritiona­l needs but consisted only of meal replacemen­t shakes for five days. People on this one-note diet reported significan­tly more cravings than they did on a varied diet.

Instead of simply giving in to your food cravings – which tend to be for less healthy treats – it’s worth spending time trying to decode them. Understand what your body is trying to tell you and you’ll know what it really needs to stay on top form.


What it could mean: You’re low in magnesium Chocolate, especially the dark variety, is high in this essential mineral.

As well as building strong bones, magnesium is vital for heart health, the proper working of our muscles and helping control blood pressure and blood sugar. Deficiency impacts the body’s ability to function properly, causing a variety of symptoms including migraine, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, irregular heartbeat and poor concentrat­ion.

A study by laboratory Mineral Check found that 70 per cent of people in the UK had lower than expected magnesium levels.

Fix it: A quick way is to have a square or two of dark chocolate. Other healthy foods rich in magnesium include dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds. Incorporat­ing salmon, tuna and mackerel into your diet is another good way of boosting your levels. Or try a supplement – oral magnesium can upset the stomach, so taking it transderma­lly (through the skin) can be a better bet. Try Better You Magnesium Oil Spray (£12.20) and see if your choccie cravings subside.


What it could mean: You’re not getting enough sleep A study by Berkeley University in the US found a direct link between lack of sleep and fast food cravings.

Monitoring of brains impaired by sleep deprivatio­n found that higher brain functions (such as problem-solving) were blunted, while functions that respond to instant rewards were amplified.

The researcher­s believe this may explain why participan­ts showed a clear preference for salty, fat-laden junk food following sleep deprivatio­n. Other research has found people who sleep well are more likely to make healthy food choices.

Fix it: If you struggle to sleep, try keeping the hour before bed entirely screen-free – that means no TV, tablets or smartphone­s. Studies show this can help you drop off more easily.


What it means: You’re low in iron Craving red meat can be a sign the body needs more iron, as beef, lamb and pork are all rich in this vital mineral.

Iron helps transport oxygen around the body and without it we become exhausted and may become anaemic, with women at highest risk.

But we eat less red meat today than ever before, with half the public cutting back on meat or already vegetarian, according to a British Social Attitudes survey last year. As a result, some 40 per cent of UK women have low iron levels.

Fix it: Red meat is the single best, most easily absorbed iron source, so try to eat one to two portions a week. Beans, lentils, nuts, dried fruit, dark green leafy veg and wholemeal bread are other decent sources. If you’re concerned about anaemia, your GP may prescribe a supplement.

THE CRAVING White bread

What it could mean: You’re suffering from low mood If you long for bread, pasta, potatoes or any other white carbs it can be a sign your body is lacking an essential amino acid called tryptophan, which is found in high levels in these foods.

The body uses this acid to make the so-called “happy hormone” serotonin, which regulates moods and plays a crucial role in good sleep patterns.

A low level of serotonin can lead to depression and anxiety.

Fix it: Instead of reaching for white carbs, try wholegrain varieties, which contain fewer fast-release sugars and more fibre.

Try to also include plenty of chicken, turkey, eggs, bananas and walnuts in your diet – all of which are rich in tryptophan.


What it could mean: Dehydratio­n – or undiagnose­d diabetes While wanting to quench your thirst with a tall, cool glass of water is perfectly naturally and healthy, if you're constantly thirsty it can be an early warning sign of diabetes type 2. Excessive thirst and urination can be triggered by unstable insulin levels. This happens when extra sugar builds up in your , blood making your kidneys go into overtime to process it all. When they can’t keep up, it gets excreted through your urine, which in turn makes you thirsty again. Fix itt: If it’s an occasional hot weather or post-exercise thirst, a glass of water will sort you out. But ifyour thirst is constant, especially if it’s accompanie­d by extreme tiredness and peeing more than usual or weight loss, see your GP.

THE CRAVING Salty foods

What it could mean: You’re suffering from stress Cravings for salty foods such as crisps, bacon or salted nuts can mean chronic stress is playing havoc with your adrenal glands.

These two small glands sit on top of the kidneys and are responsibl­e for supplying the body with the stress hormone cortisol – and balancing levels of minerals in the body.

When we’re highly stressed they can experience adrenal fatigue and stop working properly, resulting in low sodium (salt) levels – despite the fact that most of us have more salt than is considered healthy in our daily diets.

Fix it: Getting on top of your stress levels is key to helping improve adrenal function. Proven methods include regular yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Research at the University of Utah in the US found that people who took a moment to breathe deeply or meditate before reaching for salty snacks not only reduced the levels of stress hormones in the body by 25 per cent, they also ate 50 per cent less.

And try taking a good multivitam­in to ensure you’re getting enough minerals, for example: Multibiont­a Vitality (£6.29, from Boots).


What it could mean: You’re feeling down – or you’re dehydrated If you can’t get through the day without several trips to the coffee shop, there’s a good chance you’re subconscio­usly trying to lift your mood.

Mental health research shows that people feeling unhappy tend to reach for “quick fixes” such as coffee to perk them up and help them get through the day.

However, the short-lived mood and energy boost provided by caffeine is always followed by a crash. Plus, too much caffeine can cause palpitatio­ns, anxiety and irritabili­ty, creating a vicious circle when it comes to mood.

Also, craving any drink – even an unhelpful diuretic like coffee – can simply mean you’re dehydrated, as not getting enough water leads to tiredness and irritabili­ty.

Fix it: Forget the flat white and reach for some plain old water. “Just as plants that are wilting in the sun soon perk up after they’ve been watered, people can quickly feel better and more alive after a drink of water,” says nutritioni­st Linda Foster.

A balanced diet rich in tryptophan (see left) can also improve mood. If low mood is seriously affecting your quality of life, you need to talk to your GP, who may recommend counsellin­g or other treatments.

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