Daily Record


Con threatens UK firms, say MPs

- ANDREW GREGORY reporters@dailyrecor­d.

AMAZON and eBay are profiting from a multi-billion VAT fraud which kills off British firms, MPs have warned.

The web giants rake in cash from sellers who dodge the VAT they should charge on UK sales, a report from the Commons public accounts committee reveals.

The “unfair and illegal” practice allows sellers based outside the EU to undercut British retailers by 20 per cent, hitting sales hard and forcing many to cut staff or even shut down.

The MPs say Customs officials have been “too cautious” in pursuing the fraudsters.

And the loss to taxpayers may be much higher than their “out-of-date and flawed” £1.5billion estimate.

Under tax laws, traders selling to UK buyers must charge VAT if the items are in the UK at the time of sale. But many do not – although their goods are stored in warehouses around the UK.

The cross-party committee called for “much more urgency” from HM Revenue and Customs, who they said “have not named and shamed non-compliant traders and so far have not prosecuted a single seller”. Committee chair Meg Hillier said: “The response of HMRC and the marketplac­es has been dismal. “Online marketplac­es tell us they are committed to removing ‘bad actors’, yet that rings hollow when those same marketplac­es continue to profit from the actions of rogue traders.” Amazon said they were reviewing the report and added: “We work closely with HMRC … removing any seller they inform us is not VAT-compliant.” Ebay said: “We have been working with HMRC – and going above and beyond requiremen­ts – to ensure our site is the best possible place to do business.”

 ??  ?? PROFITS The web giants
PROFITS The web giants

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