Daily Record



Majhu to organise All In For Rohingya, a cross-cultural charity event of music and entertainm­ent to raise funds for the refugees in Bangladesh.

It will be hosted by Still Game and River City actor Sanjeev Kohli.

He said: “In this 24/7 exposure to news, we can become inured to what is going on and dismiss it as another headline. But these are human beings. We should do something to help. That’s what this event is about.”

More than 80,000 young Rohungya children may need treatment for malnutriti­on in western Myanmar, where the army have closed down food markets and restricted aid.

Houses, fields, food stocks, crops and livestock have been destroyed by the army and marauding mobs of extremist Buddhists.

Many of the Rohingyas have walked for days, arriving in overcrowde­d makeshift camps in Bangladesh, sick, exhausted and in desperate need of food, water and medicine.

Money from the event will go to charities working on the ground to help the Rohingya, including Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Music at the event is from Raag and Tonic, The Violet Kind and The Bhangra Beatles, who create a fantastic, infectious fusion of traditiona­l Punjabi folk dance music and Beatles hits. Sanjay plays the bhangra drums in the multi-cultural band.

Uzma said: “We want all communitie­s from all areas and ethnicity and of all ages and background­s coming together to do what they can for the Rohingya.”

Tickets for All in for Rohingya at Oran Mor, Glagsow, on Saturday, November 4 cost £20 and are available from Ashoka Ashton Lane, Green Chilli Cafe, Ashoka Southside, Ashoka Bearsden and Oran Mor. For credit card bookings, phone 0141 342 5200.

 ??  ?? DESPERATE Hundreds of starving Rohingya reach out for food in refugee centre in Bangladesh. Pictures: Kevin Frayer
DESPERATE Hundreds of starving Rohingya reach out for food in refugee centre in Bangladesh. Pictures: Kevin Frayer

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