Daily Record


- AMANDA KEENAN a.keenan@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

AS A homeless teenage mum struggling to cope after the birth of her son, Abby Allen thought she had no one.

She was just 15 when she fell pregnant. She was forced to leave the island of Barra, where she had grown up, and find somewhere to stay.

Soon, she was seeking shelter in hostels in Glasgow, with no one to turn to for help, sympathy or support.

Panic attacks that had held her back from building a new network of friends developed into crippling anxiety, leaving Abby feeling isolated and alone.

But now she has rebuilt her confidence – thanks to an innovative new mobile phone app for mums.

Abby, 20, said: “When I fell pregnant, my family were supportive but there wasn’t enough room at home.

“I was born in Glasgow and decided to move back there at 16 with my son.

“It was a daunting thing to do and people thought I was just another young mum doing nothing with my life.

“The worst part was the stigma attached to being a teenage mother, that I must be irresponsi­ble and just sitting at home with no ambitions, living off the government.

“This led to a lot of nasty comments in public and even from profession­als, including a health visitor I used to have.”

Abby was forced to move around different hostels in the city with her son Zander, now four, and she reached her lowest ebb.

Her anxiety attacks grew worse and she struggled to meet new friends.

Abby said: “I couldn’t find any parenting groups that I could fit into.

“I would spend my days looking after Zander and trying to find somewhere safe to sleep. It was a very stressful period and made my anxiety much worse. After about a year, I found a small flat. Although it wasn’t in good condition, it was great to have somewhere to call my own.”

Abby then joined Mush, a network that aims to connect like-minded mums of similar ages living in the same area.

She added: “Initial interactio­ns with people terrified me.

“I didn’t fit in with typical mums and found it hard to maintain friendship­s. I was stuck in a sort of limbo. I felt like I didn’t really fit in anywhere.

“Mush allowed me to create a personalis­ed profile that would match me with mums nearby with children the same age as my son.

“I could find other women with very similar lives to me, raising a child while finding their feet in what seemed like a daunting world.

“I soon started speaking to a range of mothers, some older, some younger. Some were stay-at-home mums and others worked full-time. It didn’t really matter – we all shared a common bond of raising our family.

“Mush helped to boost my confidence and now I have a close network of friends.”

Determined to make something of her life, Abby juggles running her own business with studying and looking after Zander.

She runs Little Swan Creative, who provide blog writing, newsletter­s, graphic and web design services alongside event management and photograph­y for business and media.

She is also studying for a National Certificat­e in TV production and photograph­y at college and a BA in design and innovation at university.

It’s a far cry from four years ago when she was struggling to find her way.

Abby said: “I remember feeling so low when I was homeless. I didn’t know how I was going to cope financiall­y and raise a child.

“I’m proud that I’m on the right track now.

“Anxiety filled me with absolute dread, creating this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad was around the corner.

“When my condition was bad, I struggled to speak to people and my heart would feel like it was going to beat out of my chest.”

Abby hopes sharing her story will inspire other young mums with anxiety.

She added: “The most important thing is to realise help is out there. For the first three years of my son’s life, I felt scared and anxious.

“Through Mush, I’ve met other people like me and it’s totally transforme­d my life.” ●To find out more about Mush, visit letsmush.com

 ??  ?? DOING WELL Abby and Zander and, inset, as a baby. Main pic: Paul Chappells
DOING WELL Abby and Zander and, inset, as a baby. Main pic: Paul Chappells

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