Daily Record


Watchdog say millions not saving enough to be able to retire


A THIRD of workers aren’t paying into a pension – raising fears that they will have to work until they drop.

Millions of people face the prospect of toiling into their 70s or 80s to make ends meet amid a pensions timebomb.

Those relying on the state pension

could be in for a rude awakening, the Financial Conduct Authority have warned.

The watchdogs’ chief executive Andrew Bailey said: “About 15million adults who are not retired are not paying into a pension.

“While the state pension is a hugely important part of retirement provision, for many people it is not enough to maintain living standards.”

The FCA’s largest survey yet into the nation’s personal finances – a poll of 13,000 people – found many more Brits aren’t saving enough for their retirement.

The average amount being put away is 4.2 per cent of earnings – but experts recommend it should be at least 12 per cent.

The FCA’s Financial Lives report, due out today, comes amid growing fears of a pensions timebomb.

An ageing population has led to the state pension age for women increasing from 60 to 65, in line with men.

It will rise to 67 for both sexes by 2028 in a bid to reduce the escalating pensions bill.

With the population getting increasing­ly older, many believe it is inevitable the state pension age will rise even more.

Bailey said: “About half of 55 to 64-year-olds are expected to live to 90 – but only seven per cent of them expect to live to this age.”

The looming crisis comes despite a push to get workers to pay into a pension.

Since 2012, millions have been automatica­lly enrolled into workplace pensions unless they opt out. But millions more are still missing out, either because they have chosen not to join a scheme or because they earn less than the £10,000 threshold which makes them eligible.

Another problem is the growing army of self-employed workers who don’t qualify for auto-enrolment and often cannot afford to put any money away for their retirement.

Ex-pensions minister Steve Webb, now director of policy at financial giants Royal London, said: “The good news is that over eight million people have been enrolled into a workplace pension in the last five years.

“But many of these people are only putting a few pounds a week into a pension. Contributi­on rates now need to be steadily increased if people are going to be able to afford to retire.

“The biggest group who ought to be in pensions and are missing out are the self-employed.

“More than 4.5million people in Britain are self-employed but just one in six of them put money into a pension last year.”

Pensions expert Tom McPhail, head of policy at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: “For all the success of auto-enrolment and the millions it has helped to start saving, it’s worth rememberin­g there are almost as many who have been left behind.

“We still need to find ways to ensure all these workers can look forward to a decent retirement income.”

 ??  ?? LOOMING HEADACHE Pensions worries
LOOMING HEADACHE Pensions worries

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