Daily Record


Nikki shed nearly 8st and dropped from size 20 to 10 before airport mix-up on return from Prague


WHEN bank manager Nikki Jermain arrived back at Edinburgh Airport from celebratin­g her 30th birthday in Prague she was stopped at passport control because she didn’t look like her photo.

She had to explain she looked so different because she’d lost almost eight stone and dropped from a size 20 to a 10/12 since the photo was taken.

“When I handed over my passport he studied it for a few minutes and then asked me if I had any other form of ID,” said Nikki from Dunfermlin­e.

“I’d gone away with friends for a city break at the end of September which coincided with my birthday. Coming back through Edinburgh airport the security officer stared at my passport for what felt like ages.

“I got nervous and told him I’d lost loads of weight. He was very serious and carried on doing his job. Then he asked if I had any bank cards and where I’d opened the accounts.

“Eventually I managed to get through and that was fine – but I realise I will probably need to change my passport photo. I didn’t realise how much I’d changed.”

Nikki originally joined Scottish Slimmers around 10 years ago to lose weight for her sister’s wedding.

“I lost a couple of stone before I was a bridesmaid when my sister got married,” she said.

“I stopped going to classes and over the next five or six years, slowly gained weight through just not taking care of what I was eating. I was eating out regularly and having drinks with friends. I was enjoying living away from home and the weight just crept on.”

About four years ago, she was at her heaviest at 19st 4.5lb and a size 20 and she decided to take action and started cutting back on her portion sizes and keeping track of what she was eating.

By the start of this year, Nikki had managed to lose four and a half stone and had kept it off – but was struggling to lose more, so joined Scottish Slimmers classes again.

“I can honestly say it is the best thing I have ever done and I won’t stop going now,” she said. “I managed to get past my plateau thanks to the help of my amazing class manager Elaine and all the other class members.”

Nikki lost another three stone and hit her target in August – getting down to 11stone 5lb and a size 10/12 – losing 7st 13.5lb in total.

She said: “I never used to eat breakfast. But that meant I was hungrier throughout the day and would eat more.

“Now I always make sure I eat something – even if it’s a cereal bar I’m rushing out the door.

“I’ve cut down on portion sizes bu what I like about Scottish Slimmers is that it’s not about changing what you eat, you can still have everythin – it’s about having it in moderation. You’re still living life.

“I still dine out weekly and go drinking with friends – I just make sure I’m prepared and plan for it and be more conscious of what I’m eatin during the week if I’m going out.

“I refuse to give anything up completely and still have chocolate and crisps – but low fat options.

“I’ve got more physically active. I try to get to the gym, I swim and go out walking a lot. I’ve done a couple of 10ks and I hope to do more running.

“I was never able to run before an now I can, I want to do that more frequently.

“I still sometimes forget how muc weight I’ve lost. When I go shopping naturally go for a size 14/16 to try on and then I work my way down four sizes as I’m smaller than I think which is lovely.”

Nikki’s mum Linda has also joined Scottish Slimmers too and has lost four and a half stone so far.

“We are each other’s motivation and inspiratio­n each week and I don

think I could have walked through the door the first week after all these years, never mind continue to be successful, without her,” she said.

“I’ve lost the weight for myself and just to feel happier in my own skin.

“This time round, I know it is a lifetime change. I’ve always thought I was an outgoing, adventurou­s type of person but I honestly didn’t realise how much I was being held back until I started losing weight.

“I’m always now the first person to put their name forward for a new activity, sport or adventure.

“I will give anything a try and the worry about being too big or making an embarrassm­ent of myself has completely gone.

“I love life and my weight definitely doesn’t hold me back from anything in life anymore.

“It’s taken me that whole time to lose it and maintain my weight,” she said. “I was always looking for quick fix and I’d lose weight and gain more.

“Doing it over a longer period of time has meant it’s the most comfortabl­e I’ve felt.

“I feel like I’m in a routine now and I’ve changed my lifestyle. It’s taken me four years but it’s more sustainabl­e.

“It wasn’t as quick as a lot of people but I did it and I was really proud. Over the years, I had learned not to be too hard on myself, after all we are all human and we make mistakes, and when I did gain, I knew I just needed to get back on the eating plan and luckily, I always managed to do that.

“I wouldn’t say I was confident in my looks before but I didn’t realise how much I was held back until I started to lose the weight.

“I felt confident to try lots of new activities. Now I play badminton every week. I probably would have felt too self-conscious to do that before.

“I was always happy – but I didn’t realise how I could be even happier from losing weight.

“I’ve always loved to travel and I’m away in a couple of weeks to Poland with another friend – so I’m going to have to brave it with my passport as I haven’t been able to change the photo yet.

“Maybe I’ll take my driver’s licence too – at least that photo looks the same as I do in my passport – although it still doesn’t look like I am now.” ● Hair and makeup by Taylor Ferguson www. taylorferg­uson.com ● For more informatio­n about Scottish Slimmers call FREE on 0800 36 26 36 or log on to www. scottishsl­immers.com

 ??  ?? BEFORE Nikki, left and above, changed her life NAME: Nikki Jermain FROM: Dunfermlin­e AGE: 30 OCCUPATION: Bank manager CLASS MANAGER: Elaine Drysdale WEIGHT BEFORE: 19stone 4.5lb WEIGHT NOW: 11stone 5lb CLOTHES BEFORE: 20 CLOTHES NOW: 10/ 12 TOTAL...
BEFORE Nikki, left and above, changed her life NAME: Nikki Jermain FROM: Dunfermlin­e AGE: 30 OCCUPATION: Bank manager CLASS MANAGER: Elaine Drysdale WEIGHT BEFORE: 19stone 4.5lb WEIGHT NOW: 11stone 5lb CLOTHES BEFORE: 20 CLOTHES NOW: 10/ 12 TOTAL...
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