Daily Record

Time for a change in Holyrood


FOR three weeks now, Hollywood, Westminste­r and even Holyrood have been rocked by allegation­s of sexual harassment.

“Pestminste­r,” “Holyrood Harveys” and “Westminste­r Weinsteins” have all been used as shorthand for stories of men using their political power in inappropri­ate ways toward women.

That panorama of behaviour spans lewd and inappropri­ate language, through gestures right up to criminal acts of assault and rape.

We’ve been here before with the sex scandals that rocked John Major’s government and, more recently, the Lord Rennard allegation­s which tarnished the Lib Dems for a long time.

This feels different though, as though we might just be on the cusp of a watershed moment.

But it can only be that if real and serious action is taken.

The day-to-day affairs of the Scottish Parliament are run by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body and the Parliament­ary Bureau.

Joined by a male chief executive and a male presiding officer, it is a 100 per cent boys’ club.

Perception is everything and right now, regardless of the reality, it just looks like the Parliament doesn’t get it.

That’s why I’ve proposed a new system which would see the political parties ballot to put forward a female candidate for these critical posts.

I’ve asked all existing members of the corporate body to resign now so that we can put a new system in place straight away.

I’ve had enough of the warm words. It’s time action was taken. The parliament­ary authoritie­s should either accept my plan or come up with a better one.

There’s one chance to get this right. If the powers that be have learnt anything over the past three weeks, they should take it.

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