Daily Record

Queen Victoria took drugs


choice for Opium was the drug of century, many people in the 19th no and Queen Victoria was opium exception. But while most substance, users would smoke the to drink it Victoria instead chose in alcohol. as a tincture dissolved as In addition, she described chloroform “hugely enjoyable” the and she took during childbirth, she took laudanum too.

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The Prince Regent was a greedy eater

Later to become King George IV, the Prince Regent was known for being something of an overeater. So much so that, without his corset, his tummy was said to droop down to his knees. The greatest meal of his Regency, the Regent’s Banquet, was held in 1817 at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton to mark the visit of the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia. Chef Marie-Antoine Carême created 127 dishes including the Royal Pavilion rendered in pastry.

Henry VIII was a brilliant tennis player

The legendary monarch’s tennis skills have been described by Lesley Ronaldson, real tennis historian, as “probably world class”. She says: “Henry would play for money and to show that he could win.” Even Henry’s second wife Anne Boleyn was a fan, and was watching a game of tennis when she was arrested.

King George III never cheated

Given that his 1761 marriage to Charlotte was arranged, and he’d never met her before the day of the wedding, the fact that George stayed faithful was remarkable. Historian Tracy Borman says: “Their happy marriage that lasted for 57 years and produced 16 children.”

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