Daily Record

How many times will hapless Mundell fail Scots?


DAVID Mundell needs a 2018 planner on his wall.

Last week, he fessed up that he had “run out of time” and couldn’t deliver on his promise to protect Scotland’s devolution settlement from the Tory Brexit mess.

The hapless Scottish Secretary had told us all not to worry and that he would personally make sure everything was fine.

He pledged that MPs would be able to scrutinise and ensure that powers devolved to the Scottish Parliament would not be grabbed by Westminste­r.

But the shambles of Brexit means the Tories are planning to do exactly that – and Mundell failed to table amendments that might alleviate some of the worst aspects of Brexit.

So he broke his word and failed to deliver.

Embarrassi­ngly, even his Scottish Tory colleagues were nodding in agreement with SNP MPs in Parliament when we were making the point that this is simply not good enough.

So now it will be up to the lords, baronesses and bishops of the House of Lords to ensure that Scotland’s interests are protected.

Alan Sugar, the Bishop of Norwich, Lord Michael Forsyth and Lord Nigel Lawson are now deciding Scotland’s fortunes in the post-Brexit world.

Mundell failed to do his job and stand up for Scotland when his Government paid off the DUP following the general election last year.

He has failed to hold Prime Minister Theresa May to account over the closure of RBS bank branches.

And now his lack of action is threatenin­g the powers of the Scottish Parliament.

The Secretary of State is on a shoogly peg.

 ??  ?? BROKEN PROMISE Mundell

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