Daily Record

Time to speak up for transgende­r equality

- Mhairi Black @MHAIRIBLAC­K

THIS week marks the start of LGBT History Month.

The annual celebratio­n across Scotland recognises the contributi­on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r people have made to our society, and raises awareness of the history of the LGBT rights movement.

We’ve come a long way in recent years. After decades of campaignin­g and hard-won progress, Scotland has gone from being a country that once criminalis­ed LGBT people, to one that is now recognised as among the best in the world for LGBT equality.

I’m particular­ly proud of the progress made under the SNP Government over the past decade, from our historic equal marriage law to the introducti­on of hate crime protection­s.

These changes have made a real difference to people’s lives.

But we know there is still further to go, and there is one area above all where dramatic progress is needed – equality for transgende­r people. Even in Scotland, trans people face an almost unparallel­ed level of prejudice and discrimina­tion – and that is something that should shame us all.

Equality Network’s 2017 Hate Crime report found that 80 per cent of trans people have been the victim of a hate crime, including verbal abuse, physical attacks and sexual assaults.

For many, receiving abuse is a regular day-to-day occurrence.

It can’t be right that, in the 21st century, many trans people can’t walk down the street, get through their working day or go out with their friends without facing some

LAST week, Theresa May hosted a gaffe-filled Burns Night in Downing Street.

Forgetting Burns opposed the Act of Union, the publicity stunt was billed as an attempt to celebrate the UK, and persuade us the Tory Government care about Scotland.

But when Downing Street published the guest list, it was filled with errors – misspellin­g the names of her own Scottish MPs, key guest, and even Scotch whisky.

I guess the event only served to prove Burns’s point – that May’s “enduring union” only means for us to say: “Fareweel ev’n to the Scottish name.”

form of prejudice. It’s time for all of us to recognise that our society has a serious problem with transphobi­a and commit to doing something about it.

In November, the SNP published a consultati­on on proposals to reform the Gender Recognitio­n Act in Scotland, to make it simpler and less intrusive for trans people to get legal recognitio­n of their gender.

That’s the process by which a trans person can get their birth certificat­e changed to reflect the gender they live as.

These proposals are important for many trans people, making it easier for them to get on with living their lives, knowing they have legal recognitio­n of who they are.

The reforms won’t eliminate the prejudice trans people face but they are a vital piece of the puzzle, alongside wider efforts to tackle hate crime, reduce discrimina­tion and change attitudes.

Unsurprisi­ngly, right-wing newspapers have responded with the same sort of hysteria, discrimina­tory attitudes and ludicrous claims that they previously targeted at gay people in the 80s, 90s and, more recently, during the debate over same-sex marriage.

These publicatio­ns need to take a long hard look at themselves – they are part of the problem.

Trans people must be able to live their lives freely, without facing unnecessar­y barriers and discrimina­tion. It’s not easy being trans in our society but these reforms will help, just as they have in other countries such as Ireland, Norway, Denmark and Malta.

This LGBT History Month, I hope you’ll join me in making a personal commitment to speak up for trans equality, challenge transphobi­a and support the Equal Recognitio­n campaign for trans rights at www.equalrecog­nition.scot

 ??  ?? Mhairi is an SNP MP
Mhairi is an SNP MP
 ??  ?? BARD MOVE May hosted supper but it was all a stunt
BARD MOVE May hosted supper but it was all a stunt

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