Daily Record


At 18st, Donna couldn’t play with her kids and feared she was slowly killing herself. Her diet and gym regime has paid off and she’s now helping other slimmers MUM CHANGED LIFESTYLE TO SET HEALTHY EXAMPLE

- MARIA CROCE maria.croce@trinitymir­ror.com ● www.cambridgew­eightplan.com

DONNA Shaw was worried her weight was making her so unhealthy that she might not get to see her kids grow up.

When daughter Emily couldn’t even fit her arms around her mum’s tummy for a cuddle, Donna realised she had to take action.

She was a size 22-24 and 18st 2lb. But by following the Cambridge Weight Plan, she shed 8st in just seven months, wears size 10-12 clothes and now she helps others lose weight.

Donna, 31, said: “I was always known as the bigger friend and the bigger girl at school because I’ve always been quite heavy.

“When I was 16 I was about 15st. I loved my food that much and I never felt full.

“I was also an emotional eater. If I was happy or sad I would eat.”

She would tuck into chocolate, crisps and convenienc­e food and the weight piled on.

After having her daughters Emily, eight, and Hollie, five, Donna’s eating habits got worse.

She said: “I didn’t have time to make meals for myself. I made sure they were fed first and then I’d grab something. My weight ballooned and I felt depressed about it.”

About seven years ago, Donna, from Coatbridge, Lanarkshir­e, visited a theme park and was embarrasse­d when she couldn’t fit the barrier on a ride over her stomach. She said: “I was so embarrasse­d when they told me to get off.

“I didn’t realise just how much my weight affected my life. If I attended a family party or function, I would be paranoid in case I was too heavy for the seats.

“I hated getting my picture taken to the extent that my kids would notice.

“I would be a bystander at the park while taking my children to play while I watched other parents run around with their children.”

In 2013, she planned to do a sky dive for charity as both her grans had suffered from Alzheimer’s.

Donna said: “I didn’t give my weight a thought and told everyone I was doing it. Then I found out I’d be too heavy at 18st as the maximum weight to do the jump was 14st 7lb.

“I was very disappoint­ed and had to put it on hold.

“I’d been talking to friends and family about how excited I was about it, then when people were asking me when it was booked, I had to come up with excuses.

“I didn’t want to own up and say I was too overweight.

“Because of my weight, I wasn’t able to run about with my kids. I could see I was slowly killing myself and didn’t want to be a bad example for my kids.

“I wanted them to see a fit and

The kids have a brand new mum and they love it. I’ve got lots of energy DONNA

healthy mum. They would see me out of breath, not being able to do anything with them. That made me down and I’d worry about being there to see them grow up. “My weight played a big part in how I felt within myself. I didn’t want to socialise and I didn’t feel like I was good mother. “When Emily was younger she was going to give me a cuddle and she would say she couldn’t put her arms round me and, ‘Mummy’s got a big fat tummy.’ It was heartbreak­ing.” A friend mentioned the Cambridge Weight Plan so Donna signed up in 2014. She said: “I thought I had nothing to lose. I’d dabbled in a few diets over the years so I thought I’d give this one a go.” But Donna was shocked when she discovered she was 18st 2lb and a size 22-24. She admitted: “I didn’t realise how big I was. “My Cambridge Weight Plan consultant was fantastic and gave me one-to-one support. “I didn’t need to worry about standing in front of other people in a class. “In my first week I lost 7.5lbs. It felt so easy and I just stuck to it. I didn’t have any treats at all. I decided if I was going to do it, I would choose to do it right. “I wanted to be healthy and I found something that was working for me so why would I ruin it with a Mars bar? I was just so focused and determined.” As the weight fell off, Donna was showered with compliment­s by friends and family saying how well she was doing which spurred her on.

She added: “I remember just before I got to my target weight, Emily came home from school and ran towards me.

“Out of the blue she gave me a cuddle and said, ‘Wow, I can’t believe I can wrap my arms around you now, you’ve done so well.’

“That was a very proud moment as I’d lost the weight for my girls. I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.”

Donna overhauled her diet and joined a gym to get active. She said: “I became used to a better way of eating and moving.”

And instead of convenienc­e food, she made everything from scratch – making sure she had plenty of healthy fruit and vegetables.

In October 2014, she could finally take part in her planned fundraisin­g skydive after losing the weight.

Donna was determined to help others – so she trained to become a Cambridge Weight Plan consultant.

She said: “I started in February 2015 in North Lanarkshir­e. I love watching people shrink in front of me.”

Donna also works part-time in a supermarke­t but hopes to increase her work helping more people slim as a weight-loss management consultant.

She added: “Losing weight has changed so many things for me including my confidence. I’m more open and outgoing. Now my weight is not holding me back and I’ve got lots of energy to play with the kids.

“The kids have got a brand new mum and they love it. I didn’t want them to have the same bad eating habits as me so I knew I had to change.

“I can finally control my food, it no longer controls me.”

 ??  ?? PROUD Emily and Hollie are delighted with their mum’s transforma­tion. Picture: Tony Nicoletti
PROUD Emily and Hollie are delighted with their mum’s transforma­tion. Picture: Tony Nicoletti
 ??  ?? STRUGGLE Donna felt down about her weight but after losing 8st, main picture, she feels full of confidence and energy
STRUGGLE Donna felt down about her weight but after losing 8st, main picture, she feels full of confidence and energy

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