Daily Record

Shoved her to ground after boozy bust-up with bouncer


BY PATRICK HILL RUGBY union star Danny Cipriani injured a policewoma­n’s neck, face and arm after grabbing her and shouting: “Get the f*** off me”.

The 14st 4lb England player had to be restrained by three officers after PC Jodie Botterill attempted to handcuff him for attacking a nightclub doorman.

Yesterday, looking dishevelle­d following two nights in police cells, the £300,000-ayear Gloucester player was fined £2000 and ordered to pay Botterill £250.

A packed public gallery heard she tried to arrest Cipriani, 30, outside the Little Drift club in Jersey at 1am on Wednesday after he grabbed doorman Joaquim Periera in a row over taking drinks outside.

Botterill, 33, an ex-Wales internatio­nal footballer and until July manager of the Jersey women’s team, was pushed to the ground and suffered a bruised arm and redness to her face and chin.

Prosecutor Samantha Morris told the magistrate Cipriani had been drinking heavily.

When the bouncer stopped him taking drinks outside, he downed both glasses and then pushed him.

She went on: “The doorman then activated his body camera which angered him further.

“He then grabs him again and tries to pull the camera off his body.”

During his arrest Cipriani was demanding to be let go and yelled: “Get the f*** off me.”

Mike Preston, for Cipriani, said the player was angry at being filmed.

It is not the first time the fly-half, in Jersey for training, has been in trouble.

In 2016, he was banned for drink-driving. And in 2011 he took a bottle of vodka from an Aussie nightspot without paying.

Cipriani, who has dated a string of glamorous women including models Kelly Brook and Katie Price, admitted resisting arrest and assault.

He made no comment after the hearing but later wrote on Twitter: “I acted in a way I hugely regret. I am truly sorry.”


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