Daily Record

H I’ll have non-stop sex in the Big Bro garden


ollywood actress Kirstie Alley says she is going into the Big Brother house tonight “on a whim” – and could be willing to get frisky if she meets the right man.

In a frank interview, former Cheers star Kirstie, 67, said the worst person that she could meet on the Channel 5 show would be one of her ex-boyfriends.

But she said her close friend John Travolta “gets on with everyone” and would make an ideal housemate.

Asked about the possibilit­y of meeting a new man, cheeky Kirstie said: “I would be happy if there was a nice single guy that I fancied and vice-versa.

“I would probably just sh*g them like non-stop. Yeah, probably out in the garden. But it’s not really why I’m here.”

Told about TV show Love Island, which features contestant­s having sex, she said: “Well, I wouldn’t be able to do Love Island. I’d be able to do Sh*g Island. Love Island is a little deep for me.

“It’s people I don’t know as well [in the house] so I can act like a whack head. I really don’t know what I’ve let myself in for because I’ve only seen a few clips.

“My agent didn’t even know I was doing this, but I like to not become complacent so sometimes I do crazy things to mix it up and this might be the craziest. I just was like, screw it. Do it.”

At the age of 19 Kirstie, who grew up in Wichita, Kansas, married a man with the same name as her dad, Bob Alley.

They divorced in 1977 after seven years and two years later Kirstie became a scientolog­ist. At the time she was a cocaine addict and has credited it with ending her drug dependency.

By 1982, just a couple of years into her acting career, she made her film debut in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Then she landed the part of Rebecca in Cheers, from 1987 until 1993. There also followed hit films including Look Who’s Talking, where she starred alongside fellow scientolog­ist Travolta, 64.

Asked what type of person she would bond with in the house, she said: “Travolta would be good to have in there because he is the most accepting of any personalit­y of anyone I know.

“He just gets on with everybody, and that’s sort of how I am. As long as somebody’s well-intentione­d and interested in other people... I don’t get along great with chaos mongers, let’s put it that way.

“My ex-boyfriend could be in there. Now, that would be a bit of a nightmare, yeah. I won’t mention his name or which one, but I’m just saying, ‘Oh, Lord’.”

Kirstie was less than relaxed about the prospect of sleeping and using a bathroom with strangers. She is used to cuddling up in bed alone watching TV most nights from 8pm at home.

She admitted: “I’m sort of a private person. It will feel like high school.

“I’m just going to carry a big bottle of isopropyl alcohol around with me and wipe everything down chronicall­y and I

brought my Poo-Pouri, which is something you spray in the toilet before people use the restroom.

“I’ll be looking for people with good manners. I don’t think I’d be real jiggy with people who are inconsider­ate.”

Former model Kirstie also spoke about her fluctuatin­g weight and said she would consider a facelift.

She said in 1992, while experienci­ng the early menopause at the age of 41, the pounds piled on.

At her heaviest she was more than 16st but is much lighter, in part thanks to dieting with US expert Jenny Craig. She said: “I don’t really have the secret, because for me losing weight is not difficult. Maintainin­g my weight loss for more than four years is tricky.

“I’m going to treat Big Brother like a spa you get paid to go to. I’m not saying I’d like to lose all the contests, but if it means they’re starving you, it’s not a bad idea.”

Asked if she had tried surgery, she added: “I would have had a facelift if you didn’t have to have general anaesthesi­a. If someone could just stitch me up over lunch with a local anaestheti­c, I might be onboard. It’s really hard to hold my face up now.”

After a Golden Globe, two Emmys and two People’s Choice awards, she co-wrote acclaimed 2005 comedy Fat Actress but has had little screen time in the past two to three years.

She told the Mirror she was working on a new US show, and she would like it to kick-start her acting career again. She said: “I really admire Richard Curtis and I’d die to do a movie of his. I really love British movies. I think I can honestly say they’re my favourite. British people’s IQ sounds 50 points higher than an American.”

As someone who supported Trump and then renounced the decision she does not want to discuss him, which could be tricky given porn star Stormy Daniels, embroiled in a dispute with the President, is rumoured to be going into the house later. She went on: “I don’t want to make enemies because of anything political. It’s better to act like an idiot in another country.

“I’ll try to refrain from being somebody’s mother. But I’m probably going to be the oldest, and I have kids.

“You can be really wild but you don’t have to do crazy things.

“I used to do cocaine. I’m open. I can’t think of much I wouldn’t be willing to talk about.”

Celebrity Big Brother is on Channel Five tonight at 9pm.

 ??  ?? FILM ROLE Movie career includes the 1989 hit Look Who’s Talking, with Travolta WORKOUT Starring in Fat Actress in 2005, she poked fun at her weight SEX APPEAL Playing Rebecca Howe to Ted Danson’s Sam Malone in iconic TV show Cheers
FILM ROLE Movie career includes the 1989 hit Look Who’s Talking, with Travolta WORKOUT Starring in Fat Actress in 2005, she poked fun at her weight SEX APPEAL Playing Rebecca Howe to Ted Danson’s Sam Malone in iconic TV show Cheers
 ??  ?? Kiristie goes into house last night CORRIE ON Actor Ryan Thomas arrives WHACK ALLEY
Kiristie goes into house last night CORRIE ON Actor Ryan Thomas arrives WHACK ALLEY

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