Daily Record


was The falling rain when I realised my wellies were in a deep pool in the gunnels

- Fotw@fishingmeg­astore.com

BY LOUIS FEROX AUTUMN appeared to arrive last Sunday.

Pre-arranged fishing trips mean that being the one who closes the curtains and goes back to bed because of inclement weather also means you have to be the one that admits he’s scared of a bit of rain.

So, we were up early and out in Dumfries and Galloway chasing perch on shads and jigs.

I was paying for the hire of the boat when my partner arrived with the “hardware” – an outboard and fishfinder a few of us clubbed together to buy a few years ago to put on hire boats. It gives us all the mod cons – or maybe, “All the gear and no idea”.

Looking out at the burgeoning grey clouds, we tried keep our spirits up then headed for some waypoints feeling pretty confident, as this has been a decent loch for both of us in the past.

Drifting out of the bays into the open water, we managed to scratch out a couple of fish but the change in the weather seemed to have put the fish down and we were struggling to locate them. We were wondering if the fall in barometric pressure had upset them.

In shallower areas of lakes, an upcoming sharp change in the weather can make baitfish more active.

The perch and pike feed hard then once the weather changes, the effects are felt more keenly.

A rainy cold front like the one we were fishing through pushes air temperatur­es down and the strong winds push colder surface water into bays where the fish had been so active.

The rain was falling and was testing our waterproof­s when I realised my wellies were now in a deep pool in the gunnels.

I reached for a bail that we’d left in the boatyard. We took our minds off the oncoming flood and used the fishfinder to track along the shelves and hit some better fish.

The takes on shads can be savage with a couple of big perch smashing the lures and diving back down, bending the rods right to the handle.

A couple more hours of wind and rain was broken up by the odd fish before we threw in the towel, and the owner came to help us empty our gear when we landed.

“You’ve stuck it out well, lads,” he laughed as we scooped and tipped gallons of water from the boat.

You can be kitted out with all the electronic­s and excellent waterproof­s but sometimes what you really need is an empty milk jug.

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 ??  ?? PERCH PERFECT A hard day’s fishing paid off in the end
PERCH PERFECT A hard day’s fishing paid off in the end
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