Daily Record

Close one loophole and another opens


THE revelation that Education Secretary John Swinney lobbied for tax break advice on behalf of a private school neatly exposes just how the SNP talks left in public but walks right in Government.

Having announced a policy that would end the business rates relief for private schools with charitable status, the party’s senior figures have been caught trying to wriggle out of the consequenc­es of their actions.

The response from Finance Secretary Derek Mackay, approached by Swinney for advice, displays a deeper hypocrisy.

The man in charge of the nation’s finances suggests that local councils may be able to provide the kind of rates relief the private sector demands.

Mackay thus leaves it to local authoritie­s, who have seen £1.5billion of cuts to their budgets under the SNP, to carry the can. It is buck-passing on a staggering scale. The policy of closing the business rates relief on private schools, unless they substantia­lly up their game on broadening access, is the correct one.

Trying to find a new loophole for private schools to cover the old loophole while state schools are being crushed by lack of funds and resources is shameful indeed.

A period of detention for both Ministers and a black mark on their appraisal records is in order.

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