Daily Record

Wide boy biz chiefs a success


SUCCESSFUL male business leaders have wider faces than average, making them appear more dominant, ambitious and powerful, say researcher­s.

While this is good news for tycoons such as Alan Sugar, politician­s with wide faces are seen as more corrupt, according to the study.

When people are shown photos of white male politician­s, 70 per cent can tell if they have been convicted of dishonesty.

This is better than chance judgments as they knew nothing about the men or their careers, say psychologi­sts.

Co author Chujun Lin, of the California Institute of Technology, said: “There is no doubt people form first impression­s from faces all the time. For example, on dating sites people often reject potential matches based on pictures without reading the profile.”

The finding adds to previous studies suggesting men with wide faces have higher levels of testostero­ne – and are more likely to consider cheating on their partners.

 ??  ?? DOMINANT Alan Sugar

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