Daily Record

Just how frazzled are you?


■ If you’ve answered mostly a) Breathe. You’re on the verge of burnout and you need to learn to respond to situations, not react.

Avoid eating on the run and foods high in sugar and fat but low in nutrients. This puts stress on the digestive system, leaving you tired and lethargic and more prone to feeling stressed. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals that make you feel calmer. If you don’t fancy the gym, walking is a great place to start. Learn to relax. Avoid technology at least an hour before bed. Switch off your wi-fi, keep the room dark and aim for a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night. ■ Mostly b) You understand that “losing it” only makes the situation worse. For you, it isn’t about ignoring the situation but instead it’s about having a calm head. You’re more of a mediator. Constant stress is bad for us but some is inevitable and can actually be good. It helps us strengthen our “coping muscle” for future stressful situations. ■ Mostly c) You don’t know the meaning of the word stress but being too laid back can set you up to be a pushover. If avoiding stress means you become a “yes man”, you’ll end up doing everything for everyone else and nothing for yourself. In the long term, this can lead to feelings of regret and resentment. Start building up your resilience by expressing your opinion, saying no and telling people what you want. It’s bound to stir up a hornets’ nest, but you’ll start to strengthen your ability to manage stress rather than avoid it.

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