Daily Record

Rock legend has pop at Kardashian clan


BY SHERNA NOAH OZZY Osbourne is unimpresse­d with fellow reality TV stars the Kardashian­s.

Sharon and Ozzy’s hit fly-on-the-wall MTV show spawned several imitations, including Keeping Up with the Kardashian­s.

But heavy metal star Osbourne, 69, told The Big Issue: “I said to Sharon the other day, ‘What the f*** is the deal with these Kardashian­s?

‘They don’t sing, they don’t act, they don’t do anything’.

“She told me, ‘The trend now is that people want to be celebritie­s and make money for doing f ****** nothing’.”

But the star said he was not complainin­g, adding: “I don’t want to put them down and if I was to start slagging them off they would say, ‘So what?’ “Good luck to them.” He told the magazine of The Osbournes, which first aired in 2002: “It was totally raw, there was no script. We just did what we did and had the camera rolling.”

Osbourne said he was now “as normal as Ozzy Osbourne gets”. He added: “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke tobacco, I don’t do drugs, I don’t womanise anymore.

“The amount of booze and drugs I was taking at one point, I couldn’t have survived.

“I turn 70 on December 3 and how I got this far is a f ****** miracle.”

The ex-Black Sabbath star also shed light on his Christmas plans.

He said: “I hate Christmas. I’m one of those bah humbug people.

“I just have people coming up to me saying, ‘I love you’, and I’m like, ‘You don’t love me, you’ve just bloody met me so don’t say you love me’.

“It makes me want to poke my eyes out.”

 ??  ?? BIG DEAL Ozzy Osbourne
BIG DEAL Ozzy Osbourne

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