Daily Record


Fresh offer sees EIS scrap strike ballot


THE threat of strike action by teachers was lifted yesterday after an improved pay offer.

Scotland’s largest teachers’ union the EIS had been due to start balloting its members on Monday on possible industrial action.

But the union’s national council decided yesterday to urge members to accept it.

The new offer will mean a three per cent rise from last April, a seven per cent increase from next month and then a further three per cent next April.

The deal means an unpromoted teacher could by next year earn more than £41,000 – an increase of about £5000 on their current salary.

The EIS said it was a “significan­t success for Scotland’s teachers”.

Education Secretary John Swinney said he had “looked again” at the pay offer and decided to “increase the funding”.

The EIS got a letter detailing the new offer this morning ahead of its national council meeting.

The union’s general secretary Larry Flanagan said: “This offer represents a significan­t success for Scotland’s teachers and for Scottish education.

“It has been secured through strong campaignin­g under the Value Education, Value Teachers banner, and delivered through the committed collective stand taken by Scotland’s teachers.”

Swinney said: “The Scottish Government and Cosla made a strong offer to teachers which, by a narrow margin, was rejected.

“Given the importance we place on valuing teachers and improving the attractive­ness of the profession, I have looked again at the investment the Scottish Government is making.”

 ??  ?? WELCOME Larry Flanagan of EIS
WELCOME Larry Flanagan of EIS

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