Daily Record

Ice partners for 44 years... but how well do they really know each other?

- THEY have skated together for more than four decades and say they are best friends. So what happened when we quizzed Jayne and Chris on each other separately, Mr & Mrs style?

WORST HABIT? Jayne: Chris is always extra early for everything. If I’m not there when he thinks I should be there he calls and says “Where are you?” even though I’ve got plenty of time.

It’s probably to do with his time in the police force.

Being late. Jayne just arrives on time but I arrive before time. If I’m not 10 minutes early I feel 10 minutes late.

I always tell Jayne a meeting time 20 minutes before we need to meet so she’ll be on time. BEST PRESENT THEY’VE EVER GIVEN YOU? Jayne: Some years ago Chris bought me a pair of earrings for a birthday. He’d asked me for hints of what I’d like and I said I liked some Cartier earrings which are expensive.

But when I was wearing them one day someone said, “I don’t think they’re real.” I quizzed him and said I wasn’t sure they were Cartier. He remembered he didn’t go to a Cartier shop but a shop that said it sold Cartier.

But then, because he’s so nice, he went to Cartier shop and bought the real ones. They are three intertwine­d circles and I wear them all the time. So they were my worst and best presents.

This sounds corny... but her friendship. What more can you give someone but time?

If Jayne gives me a gift, she likes to see me use it. If she bought me a pen, she’d say “Oh – where’s your pen?”

I remember buying her look-alike earrings in Australia but hadn’t realised they weren’t the real deal.

It was over 30 years ago and with my first pay packet and Jayne has worn them every day and each time she skates, so in some way I like to think they’re symbolic of our friendship. WHAT ARE THEY MOST SCARED OF? Jayne: Nothing. He’s always been a daredevil and not even scared of heights or spiders.

Jayne doesn’t like small spaces and doesn’t like getting in elevators. WHAT IS THEIR GUILTY PLEASURE? Jayne: Chris is a big Coronation Street fan. When we went on tour last year we got a chance to visit the set and he was desperate to see it. He’s a super fan and watches it in America.

Jayne likes to shop as a release. OUTFIT THEY MOST REGRET? Jayne: When Elton John presented us with a Sports Personalit­y of the Year, award Chris wore a black and white checked jacket with big shoulders. People always talk about that.

We had an incident when we were skating in New York and Jayne had a wardrobe malfunctio­n on her top half. I told her about it but she didn’t believe me. But we had friends in the audience who took photos.

I know Jayne will say my black and white jacket but it was the 80s and at the time it felt cool. WHAT ARE YOU MOST LIKELY TO ARGUE ABOUT? Jayne: Chris’s timekeepin­g. But although we might disagree on certain things, it never gets angry any more. We might get frustrated and things get more heated when we’re trying new moves on the ice if they keep going wrong.

We don’t argue any more. We used to, about skating and getting something right. But we’ve mellowed. THEIR PARTY TRICK? Jayne: Can’t think of one because Chris has so many – he’s so talented. Jayne can do a high kick now and then. I haven’t seen it for a while, so maybe on a good day. Jane & Chris THEIR MOST EMBARRASSI­NG MOMENT?

During one of our profession­al shows with the Russian All Stars Chris was carrying me quite high in a lift and skating backwards. But he mistook the direction he was heading in, so I jumped off his shoulders because I could see he was going the wrong way. He fell backwards over the low barrier. Suddenly his legs were in the air. It was an Egyptian number so he was wearing a little skirt.

Jayne’s wardrobe malfunctio­n. WHO IS FUNNIEST? Chris – he always makes me laugh. Jayne because she has a dry humour – I’m more sarcastic. WHO IS BETTER SKATER? We both say each other. On any given day it could be either of us. But most probably it would be Jayne. WHO IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE? Well, me of course! Definitely Jayne.

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