Daily Record



DEREK McINNES has warned clubs they must come down harder on the troublesom­e element of their own support if they are to clean up Scottish football.

The game has been tarnished in recent weeks by missile-throwing, sectarian singing, abusive banners and damage to stadiums.

And Dons boss McInnes said: “Clubs need to take more responsibi­lity and most will be trying to do the right thing. I still think they’re capable of more.

“Whether it’s throwing coins or displaying banners, racial or sectarian abuse, there is capability at most grounds to zoom in on most people. A warning can be made, either by phone call or on the spot, or an invitation to come in saying, ‘We have you on CCTV’.

“Get them in and give them a warning, ‘If it happens again, you’ll not be back’.

“While it might be difficult going into a group of people who are shouting the same abuse, you can single people out and let them know you’re on to them. That for me is where all clubs can be a bit more proactive.

“You start to become embarrasse­d, you’re scunnered by it. I still think there’s an element of people who come to games, at most clubs, with the intention of causing bother.

“We want to be talking about the football as there is a lot of good about Scottish football, this season in particular.”

 ??  ?? GET PROACTIVE McInnes

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