Daily Record

Sturgeon: Time for PM to admit defeat


bY ANDY PHILIP THERESA May has been told to stop bullying MPs and admit defeat over her shambolic and bitterly opposed plan to quit the EU.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched a devastatin­g attack on the Prime Minister’s conduct as Westminste­r geared up for another round of chaos.

And she accused Tory MPs of propping up their ailing leader instead of supporting majority Scottish opinion on Brexit.

The angry exchanges at Holyrood followed two astonishin­g days of defeat for May at the hands of MPs from her own party.

Sturgeon said: “Frankly, it is deluded for anyone to suggest there is a majority support across Scotland for the Prime Minister’s deal. The Prime Minister’s deal has been defeated overwhelmi­ngly in the House of Commons, not just once but twice.

“It is time for her to accept that defeat and open her mind now to an alternativ­e way forward.

“Let’s get no deal properly off the table, let’s seek a lengthy extension to allow this issue to go back to the people.”

Sturgeon also blasted Scottish Secretary David Mundell, who abstained in a crucial vote where Government members were ordered to support May.

His stance was widely seen as clear evidence order has broken down in Cabinet, and May is without authority.

Sturgeon singled out Tory MP Paul Masterton as the only “honourable” exception for ruling out a no-deal exit.

But she said: “The Secretary of State for Scotland can’t even manage to rebel properly.

“He pathetical­ly opted for an abstention to save his own job rather than properly standing up for this country and that, I think, is a disgrace.”

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ON ATTACK Sturgeon

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