Daily Record

Boy opts for care over mum


BY DAVE FINLAY A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy has backed a court’s bid to stop his mum having any contact with him.

A judge ruled that the boy, known as Barry, and his disabled elder brother, Andrew, should remain in care.

Judge Lady Wise ordered that the 39-year-old mum should not have contact with her two sons, after fleeing to northern Cyprus with the boys to stop them being taken into care.

In a landmark case, the judge took the “rare step” of allowing Barry to take part in proceeding­s.

Lady Wise said: “This was a relatively unusual course but I was advised he was firmly of the view that he wished his voice to be heard in the proceeding­s.”

A social worker who gave evidence in the action said Barry fears his mother approachin­g him and said his “worst nightmare” would be returning to her.

He said that Andrew, who has cerebral palsy, can’t tolerate any mention of his mother. On one occasion, the boy crawled under a table and soiled himself when the issue of possible contact with his mother was raised.

Lady Wise said the social worker had visited both boys – who are currently looked after in separate placements – and was “struck by the clarity in their antipathy towards contact with their birth family”.

The Court of Session heard the boys were found to be “wild” and “unwashed” when they returned to Scotland from Cyprus.

Barry supported a legal bid by Glasgow City Council to stop the boys having contact with their mum.

The judge ruled that parental responsibi­lities and rights over the children should be shared between their carers and the council.

 ??  ?? Rachel Riley on night out in London
Rachel Riley on night out in London
 ??  ?? CHILD RULING Lady Wise

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