Daily Record


Weir says don’t write off veterans Defoe and Davis just yet GORDON PARKS


DAVIE WEIR admits his trophy-laden Rangers career was a success story despite being written off time and time again.

And the Ibrox Hall of Fame hero has told under-fire elder statesmen Steven Davis and Jermain Defoe to follow his lead.

Both January loan arrivals from down south have the critics mounting on the back of becoming bit-part players as the Light Blues exited the Scottish Cup and lost any initiative gained in a league title chase with Celtic.

Davis aged 34 and Defoe, 36, are youthful compared to Weir who brought the curtain down on his career at the age of 41.

And he’s adamant the duo can prove they’re anything but past their sell-by date.

He said: “When you are at the stage where Rangers are in the title race, when you have a bad game or lose a couple, then people say you are out of the title race.

“It is the same as a senior player, when you are 36, 37, 38, 39 or whatever it may be after one or two bad games, people will be writing you off so you know you have to be on it every single game.

“You can’t take shortcuts, you can’t skip steps. You have to be the best prepared you can be and fully concentrat­ed on the pitch because if you have a bad game or make a mistake it’s the end of the world in some people’s eyes.”

Weir became the oldest ever Scottish football internatio­nal when he played against g.parks@dailyrecor­d.co.uk Lithuania aged 40 years and 155 days in 2010.

But the former Ibrox defender and assistant believes both Davis and Defoe will be well aware with age comes greater responsibi­lity to rise to the challenges ahead.

He said: “As you get older you feel the pressure more.

“Especially in Glasgow with the lads who understand the situation and know what it means with Celtic pushing for 10 in a row, eight in a row or whatever. If you are younger you go and enjoy it and don’t have the baggage you have when you are older and have been through bad times and know what it is like not to win a league or have the opposition being successful. “These things weigh on your mind and you try to use them as motivation to be successful. “You have to be mentally strong. That goes with the territory of playing for Rangers or Celtic. “No matter how good you are, if you can’t deal with that, with the expectatio­ns, then it becomes a real struggle and it can weigh you down.” Weir initially arrived in Govan on a six-month deal which led to a five-year stay. He learned under boss Walter Smith the secret of success and warned the current group of Ibrox stars winning silverware must become a regular occurrence.

He said: “Allan McGregor has been there and done it, Steven Davis has come in, Kyle Lafferty has been involved and there are two or three from previous times.

“But as a group they haven’t really won any trophies. People always say the first one is the hardest but we always found the second one was the hardest.

“Walter used to always say that repeating a success was always harder. But that first one for Rangers seems as if it’s going to be really difficult, not having the knowledge like Celtic undoubtedl­y do.

“Their squad is full of players who have been over the course and distance.

“They’ll take confidence from that. There is then a big incentive for Rangers to change that.” I should give Celtic some love now, before I’m accused of favouritis­m. They’re almost always odds-on to win in the league (1/7 today). Given recent wobble, there’s value in BTTS. The Six Nations is intriguing. Three teams can win it, with Wales needing to beat Ireland to complete the Grand Slam. They’re odds-on to do so, but I predict chaos.

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