Daily Record



NEIL LENNON admits he’s lived the Celtic dream by following in the footsteps of club giant Billy McNeill.

The Hoops caretaker boss emulated the Lisbon Lion skipper by playing, captaining and managing the Hoops.

An emotional Lennon revealed McNeill had also been a mentor during his time in Glasgow and his loss is a void that will never be filled.

He said: “As a Celtic supporter, to get the chance to play for the club, captain the team and finally to become manager is something that dreams are made of.

“The fact I’m following in the footsteps of a legend like Billy McNeill makes me truly lucky.

“Billy was a brilliant Celtic player and a great manager. It was always a great experience whenever I would meet him and chat to him.

“This was his club and he devoted his profession­al life to Celtic. In turn he received the gratitude, admiration and love of every Celtic supporter.

“This is more than a club, with BY GORDON PARKS Celtic known throughout the world and it is because of people like Billy this is the case.

“He was a giant of the game, a true Celtic legend, and someone who we will all miss.”

Lennon passed on his condolence­s to McNeill’s family and admitted the sorrow is raw after losing a man who’s synonymous with some of Celtic’s greatest achievemen­ts.

He said: “It’s such sad news and I want to send thoughts and prayers to Liz and all the family from myself and all the backroom staff here at the club.

“When you think of Celtic and our incredible history, McNeill is always one of the first names that comes to mind.

“He was our greatest ever captain and along with his teammates achieved historic things for Celtic in the 1960s and 70s.”

As the Hoops come to terms with the loss of such a titanic figure, Lennon insists McNeill’s immortalit­y will live on with his statue which takes pride of place outside Celtic Park.

He said: “I love Billy’s statue. It’s the perfect image of him, holding aloft the European Cup, and it will remind future generation­s of fans what a great Celtic man he was.”

 ??  ?? EURO STARS Auld will treasure everything he achieved with McNeill, left IRREPLACEA­BLE Loss of Lenny’s mentor McNeill is a void that can never be filled
EURO STARS Auld will treasure everything he achieved with McNeill, left IRREPLACEA­BLE Loss of Lenny’s mentor McNeill is a void that can never be filled

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